30 November 2010
Whitebeard Allies
There are forty-three infamous pirate captains (and so their crews) from the New World who has a friendly relationship with Whitebeard Pirates. The most known and only shown at the moment are "Bohemian Knight" Douma (ドーマ, Dōma?) (who fought against Ace in the past, and his defeat under him gives Luffy's brother his rank as 2nd Division Commander), "Thunder Lord" McGuy (マクガイ, Makugai?) (a powerful man with a lightning bolt shaped black mustache), the Decalvan Brothers (ディカルバン兄弟, Dikaruban Kyōdai?) (a pair of ugly twins), "Great Whirlpool Spider" Squard (スクアード, Sukuādo?) (a man who fought in the past against Gol D. Roger whose crew was eliminated by the Pirate King), the "Little" Oars Jr. (オーズJr., Ōzu Juniā?) (a descendant from Oars, the most powerful zombie of Gecko Moria's army) and the "Ice Witch" Whitey Bay (ホワイティ・ベイ, Howaiti Bei?) (a beautiful woman commanding an icebreaker ship). They were all under command of Whitebeard during his war against the Marines and The Seven Royal Warlords of the Sea. During this war Monkey D. Luffy, Emporio Ivankov, Buggy and Galdino became too allies of Whitebeard. The former Warlord Jimbei is also an ally of Whitebeard as he refused to battle against him and lost his title as a Warlord of the Sea. In the past Whitebeard freed his people from the World Government.
Remaining Commanders
Rakuyou, the 7th division commander, is a man with blonde dreadlocks who wields a spiked ball and chain. Namur, the 8th division commander, is a shark-type Fishman wearing a T-shirt who is adept in hand-to-hand combat. Blenheim, the 9th division commander, is a huge and muscular commander with a ponytail, roughly the size of Whitebeard, who possesses great strength and who wielded a large sword at one point. Curiel, the 10th division commander, is a man with glasses, a helmet, and ear protectors, who is armed with guns and cannons. Kingdew, the 11th division commander, is a muscular blonde-haired man who sports large iron gauntlets. Haruta, the 12th division commander, presumably the only female commander, is a short woman with brown hair who wields a short saber. "Water Buffalo" Atmos, the 13th division commander, is a large man in a bull-horn helmet who wields two swords. Speed Jiru, the 14th division commander, is a somewhat round man wearing a fez who wields a jousting lance and a shield. Fossa, the 15th division commander, is a muscular man with a mustache who is always seen smoking a cigar, who wields a sword that he can somehow engulf in flames. Izou, the 16th division commander, is presumably a cross-dressing man dressed up as a stereotypical geisha, who wields dual flintlock pistols.
Blamenco (ブラメンコ, Buramenko?) is the sixth division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates. Blamenco is a short but muscular man with large lips and has pockets under his chin, possibly on his chest. He dons a standard sash as a belt, tucked inside the loops of his overalls. Blamenco is extremely strong as his weapon of choice is a gigantic mallet twice the size of his body. Blamenco ate an unnamed paramecia Devil Fruit that allows him to store objects in pockets on his body, regardless of the objects size.
Vista (ビスタ, Bisuta?), nicknamed "Flower Sword" (花剣, Kaken?), is the fifth division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates.ch.561 Like all division commanders of the Whitebeard Pirates, Vista seems to be very loyal to Whitebeard. He also seems to be modest. Vista is a tall man with a curly mustache and a top hat that resembles a stereotypical villain. Vista is a swordsman that dual-wields sabres. He seems to be a swordsman of world renown, shown by the fact that Dracule Mihawk commented that only a fool would not know Vista's name. Vista lives up to his reputation, and was capable of matching Mihawk in sword combat. Vista is also capable of using Ambition.
Thatch (サッチ, Sacchi?) was the fourth division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates. Thatch was one of the first to try befriending Ace when he had arrived on the ship. Ace responded cynically, and questioned why he is not being held with shackles while on board of the Moby Dick, Thatch merely gave an amused look, as though he believes that was unnecessary. Thatch later found the Dark-Dark Fruit, the Devil Fruit that Blackbeard was after for a long time. This Devil Fruit was the very reason that Blackbeard joined the Whitebeard Pirates, so he killed Thatch and ran off with it, leaving his former commander, Ace, to hunt him down for revenge. All that is known about Thatch's fighting abilities, was that he was a swordsman.
29 November 2010
Jozu (ジョズ?), nicknamed "Diamond" Jozu (ダイヤモンド・ジョズ, Daiyamondo Jozu?), is the third division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates.ch.434 Jozu is a gruff, fairly quiet individual who tends to point out info to his crewmates. He appears to be quite unrelenting to his enemies as he had no qualms in attempting to strike an almost-downed enemy a second time immediately after a first hit. He is very loyal to Whitebeard and his crew. Jozu ate an unnamed, unknown class Devil Fruit that gives him the ability to greatly increase his offensive and defensive powers. Jozu's already strong physical attacks and defenses are enhanced by the density of his diamond body.ch.553 His incredible durability was witnessed at the Battle of Marineford, where Jozu was able to withstand Dracule Mihawk's "strongest slash in the world". He is voiced by Takashi Nagasako in the Japanese version.
Portgas D. Ace
Portgas D. Ace (ポートガス・D・エース, Pōtogasu Dī Ēsu?, "Portgaz D. Ace" in the English manga and Funimation subs, and "Portgaz D. Trace" in the edited dub), nicknamed "Fire Fist" Ace (火拳のエース, Hiken no Ēsu?, Trace "Heat Fist" in the edited dub), is the second division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates, and he is Luffy's adopted older brother.ch.157,159 Though it is implied at first that he is the son of Monkey D. Dragonch.525, he is actually the son of Gol D. Roger and Portgas D. Rouge (ポートガス・D・ルージュ, Pōtogasu D Rūju?, "Portgaz D. Rouge" in the English manga and Funimation subs).ch.550 Rejecting his biological male parent, he only recognizes Whitebeard as his father and took the surname of his mother, because he owes her a great debt.ch.525 To conceal his existence from the World Government, Rouge carried him for twenty months before giving birth. Afterwards, she died from exhaustion.ch.550 Ace ate a logia Devil Fruit called the Flame-Flame Fruit (メラメラの実, Mera Mera no Mi?, "Flare-Flare Fruit" in the 4Kids dub) which allows him to manipulate, create, and transform into fire.ch.159 He is also able to have Ambition (覇気, Haki?). Ace habitually falls asleep in the middle of meals or conversations, a trait also seen with Luffy and Garp.ch.157,233 His back bears the mark of Whitebeard–a skull with a white mustache superimposed over a manji.ch.157 The manji was changed to crossbones in the anime and in later chapters of the manga.ch.440,ep.94Ace was a also the former captain of the "Spade Pirates". At the Battle of Marineford, Ace's fire was no match for Admiral Akainu's magma powers. Ace eventually sacrifices his life to protect Luffy, much to Luffy's horror. Ace ranked in the Top 10 of both Shōnen Jump character popularity polls since the character's introduction.[3][4] He is voiced by Toshio Furukawa in the Japanese version of the anime.ep.91 In the English dubs, he is voiced by Frank Frankson for 4Kidsep.59, and by Travis Willingham for Funimation.ep.145
Marco (マルコ, Maruko?), nicknamed "Phoenix" Marco (不死鳥のマルコ, Fushichō no Maruko?), is the first division commander of the Whitebeard Piratesch.434, who, following Whitebeard's death, are now under his command. Marco appears to be a patient and calm, mild-mannered man. He also appears to be somewhat playful, pretending to be hurt from attack with obvious sarcasm, though he can also quickly become serious. Marco also ate an unnamed mythical-creature zoan Devil Fruit that allows him to transform into a phoenix or phoenix-human hybrid.The Devil Fruit is also claimed to be even scarcer than logia Devil Fruits. The phoenix that he transforms into has blue flames surrounding it's body, and attacks by foes past through without hurting the user. He is also able to use the power of Haki as he is seen kicking Admiral Aokijich.566.ch.554 He is voiced by Masakazu Morita in the Japanese version.
Captain Whitebeard (白ひげ, Shirohige?), his real name is Edward Newgate (エドワード・ニューゲート, Edowādo Nyūgēto?), is the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, one of the Four Emperors,ch.432 and regarded as the world's strongest pirate.ch.234 Whitebeard is a very large human with a large white mustache in the shape of an upward bound crescent moon. He is usually seen attached to medical equipment and surrounded by nurses. Fighting with a bisento as his weapon,ch.434 he was the only man who was able to match Gol D. Roger in combat and is the one closest to obtaining his treasure, "One Piece."ch.233 Whitebeard ate a paramecia Devil Fruit called the Tremor-Tremor Fruit (グラグラの実, Gura Gura no Mi?), which allows him to create shock waves powerful enough to cause earthquakes, tsunamis and even split an island in two. He also has King Ambition. Fleet Admiral Sengoku even claims that Whitebeard's powers could destroy the world.ch.552 He considers all his crewmen as his sons and will protect them with all his might if they are threatened.ch.434 Whitebeard believes it is impossible to live in the world without humanity and justice.ch.434 However, in the "Battle of Marineford", Whitebeard is killed at the hands of the Blackbeard Pirates. He is voiced by Kinryu Arimoto in the Japanese version of the anime.ep.151 In the English dub, he is voiced by R. Bruce Elliott for Funimation.ep.151
The Whitebeard Pirates
The Whitebeard Pirates (白ひげ海賊団, Shirohige Kaizokudan?) are the strongest pirate crew in the world. They are led by Captain Whitebeard, also known as by his real name, Captain Edward Newgate, who was the only person to have ever tied with Gol D. Roger in a fight. The Whitebeard Pirates are divided into sixteen divisions of one hundred men, each led by a high ranking Whitebeard Pirate.[21] Following the death of Whitebeard, their fate is as of yet unknown. The name of their ship is "Moby Dick" (モビーディック号, Mobī Dikku-gō?)
28 November 2010
Rockstar (ロックスター, Rokkusutā?), nicknamed "Rookie" (ルーキー, Rūkī?), is a member of the Red-Haired Pirates.ch.25 Before joining the Red-Haired Pirates, he claimed to have been once a famous and big-time pirate of a different pirate crew. Rockstar is a confident member of Shanks' crew who seems to have a lot of pride. When he was insulted by Whitebeard, he wanted to fight because they had damaged his honor. He also tried to use the strength of his captain to back up the importance of a letter he delivered to Whitebeard. He seems very loyal to his captain, sticking up for him in front of Whitebeard. So far, Rockstar's fighting abilities have not been seen yet. Rockstar's current bounty is 94,000,000 Berries. He was voiced by Daisuke Gōri in Japanese version, but with the passing of Gōri, his new voice actor has yet to be named. In the English dub, he is voiced by Andrew Chandler for Funimation.
Lucky Roux
Lucky Roux (ラッキー・ルウ, Rakkī Rū?) is a member of the Red-Haired Pirates. Lucky appears to be a very fun loving pirate who is often seen hanging around Yasopp. He is the first person to actually kill someone in One Piece and sets the stage for the series; a pirate's life is a dangerous one. Lucky also has a very large appetite as he is seen swallowing a whole barrel of sake by himself. He is almost always shown with a large grin even during the war, holding a large rack of meat in at least one hand.ch.42 Reports of Lucky being the fastest man in the world has been passed off as a myth and hasn't been confirmed to this date. So far, Lucky has been seen using a flintlock as his weapon of choice. He is voiced by Jin Domon in the Japanese version. In the English dubs, he is voiced by David Brimmer for 4Kids, and by John Burgmeier for Funimation.
Yasopp (ヤソップ, Yasoppu?) is the sharpshooter of the Red-Haired Pirates, and the father of Usopp and husband of Banchina. He shares many personality traits with his son, including being able to encourage the rest of his crew to join in with his fun. He is very proud of his son Usopp, to the point where he would often talk over and over again about his son to Luffy (which led Luffy to recognize Usopp on sight from Yasopp's stories alone). During his time in Luffy's village Yasopp felt close to Luffy, who was the same age as Usopp, because he was separated from his son Usopp. Yasopp is portrayed as a virtually unequaled sharpshooter, capable of shooting the antennas off an ant at 100 feet without harming the rest of it. Being a sniper, Yasopp carries guns around with him almost all the time. He is mostly seen carrying a musket, likely from personal preference. He is voiced by Michitaka Kobayashi in the Japanese version. In the English dubs, he is voiced by Jason Anthony Griffith for 4Kids, and by Scott Freeman for Funimation.
Ben Beckman
Ben Beckman (ベン・ベックマン, Ben Bekkuman?) is the first mate of the Red-Haired Pirates. Beckman appears to be a lot less fun-loving than the other members of the crew and a lot more relaxed, acting as the level headed member. At times he seems amazed at the actions of Shanks, such as panicking when Luffy was taken, or getting even more drunk when he had already drunk a lot before hand when Mihawk brought news of Luffy's coming. He is first to speak out amongst the crew when they appear. He is also the first to ask questions on situations, such as whether the World Government would try to stop them seeing Whitebeard. Beckman carries a flintlock rifle with him, but he uses it more as a club of some sort than firing it. Beckman appears to have some sort of unknown special power that can be used in conjunction with the gun. He is voiced by Aruno Tahara in the Japanese version. In the English dub, he is voiced by Sean Hennigan for Funimation.
Captain Shanks (シャンクス, Shankusu?), nicknamed "Red-Haired" Shanks (「赤髪のシャンクス」, "Akagami no Shankusu"?), is the captain of the Red-Haired Pirates and one of the Four Emperors.ch.432 Shanks is one of the most laid back characters in the world of One Piece, preferring to take his time as he and his crew travels around the world rather than rushing from one place to another. Shanks isn't cruel like many other pirate captains, nor does he rule over his crew with fear to gain respect. His friendly nature means he won't purposely seek to harm others. Shanks doesn't seem to mind what happens to himself; he'll take others throwing food and drink or spitting on him without fighting back and laugh with his crew at his own misfortunes. However he would never forgive anyone for attacking a friend. Shanks is a former member of the Roger Pirates,ch.506 where he had a rivalry with Buggy.ch.19 At the beginning of the series, Shanks loses his left arm while saving 7-year-old Luffy's life, and afterwards entrusts the boy with his favorite straw hat.ch.1 Shanks is a skilled swordsman. Before he lost his arm, he used to have frequent duels with Dracule Mihawk. He also has King Ambition, which allows him to render beings of weak determination in his proximity unconscious. Shanks recently appeared during the Battle of Marineford, with the purpose of bringing it to an end.ch.434 Oda states that Shanks is the One Piece character that most resembles himself, because of his fun-loving, partying nature.ch.221 He is voiced by Shūichi Ikeda in Japanese version of the anime.ep.4 In the English dubs, he is voiced by Tom Souhrada for 4Kidsep.4, and by Brandon Potter for Funimation.ep.4
27 November 2010
The Red-Haired Pirates
The Red-Haired Pirates (赤髪海賊団, Akagami Kaizokudan?) are a strong crew ruling over the New World, led by Captain Shanks. This crew is responsible for influencing both Monkey D. Luffy and Usopp. The name of their ship is "Red Force" (レッド・フォース号, Reddo Fōsu-gō?)
The Four Emperors
The Four Emperors (四皇, Yonkō?) are the most powerful pirates in the New World. They form a precarious Balance of Power with The Seven Warlords of the Sea and the Marine Headquarters that keeps the world at peace. The group consists of "Shanks", "Whitebeard",ch.432 "Kaido",ch.483 and "Big Mom".ch.432
Saldeath (サルデス, Sarudesu?) is one out of the two Chief Guards of Impel Down. Saldeath is not nearly as brutal as the other workers of Impel Down, telling his captives that they should be thankful they were captured by him. Nevertheless, he takes the position bestowed upon him in Impel Down very seriously. He is easily annoyed when Luffy constantly mistakes him for a monkey. Saldeath wields a trident. He is voiced by Kazuya Nakai in the Japanese version.
Sadie (セイディ, Seidi?) is one out of the two Chief Guards of Impel Down. Sadie is a sadistic person who enjoys bringing pain and torture to others, including Marine allies, and can't seem to get enough of their screams, getting sexually excited hearing them. She also seems to have extreme pride in the virtually perfect defenses of Impel Down, and refuses the assistance of the Marines. She also tends to add an "mmmmm--!?" in the middle of her sentences. Sadie greatly resembles a dominatrix in design and personality. In battle, Sadie uses a thin, torturing whip. She is voiced by Yuka Koyama in the Japanese version.
Hannyabal (ハンニャバル, Hannyabaru?) is the Vice Warden of Impel Down. Hannyabal has a habit of saying he owns everything and then having to apologize afterwards for getting ahead of himself. He does this because he is an ambitious person. He also seems to be prone to freudian slips, which often give insight to his previously mentioned, ambitious qualities and his somewhat dark brand of humor. Hannyabal usually tries to show off how tough he really is to the prisoners, which is the reason he is admired amongst the guards. Hannyabal cares more about his own position than the security and welfare of the prison, however he seems only willing to let prisoners escape if they are relatively harmless and show genuine concern when powerful prisoners try to escape. Despite his seemingly lack of seriousness most of the time, due to his desire to get Magellan fired, Hannyabal may get serious when the situation gets to the extreme, especially if he risks getting fired too. His weapon of choice is a kessui (a double bladed naginata). If Hannybal spins it wildly, it create flames to deter any opponent. He is voiced by Tetsuo Goto in the Japanese version.
26 November 2010
Magellan (マゼラン, Mazeran?) is the Chief Warden of Impel Down. Magellan ate a paramecia Devil Fruit called the Venom-Venom Fruit (ドクドクの実, Doku Doku no Mi?) that allows him to generate and manipulate poison such as breathing simple and minor toxic gas to put subordinates in place, blowing tear gas-bubbles to stun the opponents, or create an extremely fatal liquid poison. Because of the fruit's powers, Magellan is immune to all types of poison. The poison also gives his food flavor. The ends of Magellan's horns that are detachable, and can be worn like gloves over his fingers for slashing. Magellan's biggest quirk is that, although his Devil Fruit power gives him immunity from actually being poisoned, it doesn't spare him from diarrhea caused from eating poisoned food. As a result, he spends approximately ten hours each day in the bathroom relieving himself and eight hours sleeping. Though he only performs roughly four hours of duty per day as Chief Warden of Impel Down, he still takes his role quite seriously and does not tolerate the prisoners' bad behavior, as he has permission to execute any one of them he sees fit. Magellan also takes great pride in keeping Impel Down's reputation of being impenetrable and inescapable. Magellan seems to find it amusing whenever someone he doesn't particularly like gets poisoned or suffocated by his powers. He is voiced by Mitsuaki Hoshino in the Japanese version.
Impel Down Personnel
Impel Down (インペルダウン, Inperudaun?) is one of three main locations of the World Government (alongside with Marineford and Enies Lobby), and is known as the world's greatest prison. Impel Down possess a system of levels where the prisoners are sent depending on their crimes; the most dangerous and insanely powerful criminals are sent to Level 6, and the less dangerous to Levels 1-5.
Kalifa (カリファ, Karifa?) is the only female member of the CP9. When first seen, Kalifa was Iceburg's secretary who violently kicked anyone that mocked her. She is known for her trademark phrase "That's sexual harassment".ch.379 In reality, Kalifa is quite sly and crafty, as she enjoys embarrassing her superior, Spandam by accusing him of harassing her, again with her trademark phrase. Despite her initial impression of being completely serious and professional, she was easily flustered during her fight against Nami. She is also rather vain, considering herself so beautiful and sexy that she doesn't need to make her skin smooth with her Devil Fruit power. Although, she is somewhat calm and collected. During the course of the story, Kalifa eats a paramecia Devil Fruit called the Bubble-Bubble Fruit (アワアワの実, Awa Awa no Mi?), which allows her to create cleansing soap and bubbles that are capable of not only to clean off dirt, but can also clean off power making her enemies weak. In the process of cleaning off power, Kalifa's victims are left in a clean, shiny, and slippery state that is extremely smooth.ch.408 She is voiced by Naomi Shindo in the Japanese version.
Fukuro (フクロウ, Fukurō?), nicknamed, Fukuro "The Silent" (音無しのフクロウ, Otonashi no Fukurō?) and "Lover of Rumors" (噂好き, Uwasa Zuki?), is a member of the CP9. Prior to the events at Enies Lobby, Fukuro, along with Jabra and Kumadori, was sent on a mission to go undercover and assassinate some Revolutionaries. Fukuro is an oddly-shaped man with a zipper across his mouth, which has to be open in order for him to speak.ch.375 Despite having the ability to "zip it", his biggest personality quirk is having a big mouth (both figuratively and literally). Fukuro also has the strange habit of saying "CHAPAPA" after almost every sentence. He also often blurts things out inconsiderately, despite one of his ironic nicknames, "The Silent", which may refer to his theme of an owl, a predatory bird who attacks silently at night. Fukuro is a Rokushiki fighter like the other CP9 members, except he seems to excel at the Rokushiki powers, "Shave" and "Finger Pistol". Fukuro can combine his Shave and Finger Pistol powers to create his own variation of techniques. He is voiced by Kumiko Watanabe in the Japanese version.
Kumadori (クマドリ?) is a member of the CP9. Before the events at Enies Lobby, Kumadori was sent on a mission with Jabra and Fukuro, to go undercover and assassinate some Revolutionaries. Kumadori seems to honor the samurai honor code very heavily as he comically attempts to take his own life (however, he instinctively uses "Iron Body" every time) after dishonoring himself. As he accepts the blame for nearly anything, even faults of others, this happens quite often in his appearances. Kumadori strongly resembles a kabuki actor.ch.406 He is a very loud character, and often punctuates his sentences with a loud, dramatic, "YOYOI!!" Kumadori has a strange way of speaking, and tends to repeat or draw out syllables and words in the manner of kabuki actors. He also has a penchant for spouting haikus, even during battles and at other inappropriate times. Overall he is the most eccentric character in the CP9. Kumadori's specialty in fighting is using the ability of biofeedback, Semei Kikian, or "Rebirth". Like Rob Lucci, Kumadori can use his Rebirth power to control his body. In battle, he manipulates his hair to grab or attack his enemies. In battle, Kumadori also uses a khakkhara that emits fire. He is voiced by Hiroaki Yoshida in the Japanese version.
25 November 2010
Blueno (ブルーノ, Burūno?) is a member of the CP9. He is first introduced as a bartender in Water 7 and is most friendly with Franky and Pauly, talking with them about life and their current activities. He soon shows his true nature when he reveals that he was an undercover CP9 member to obtain Pluton blueprints from Iceburg. While the entire undercover CP9 unit gives the first expression of emotionless justice-devoted killing machines, Blueno is the only one to maintain such a façade. While the other CP9 members are shown taking pleasure in fighting, toying with their opponents and so on, Blueno remains calm and collected nearly all the time. Blueno ate a paramecia Devil Fruit called the Door-Door Fruit (ドアドアの実, Doa Doa no Mi?), which allows him to create doors of any size through anything he touches. If Blueno creates doors through solid matter, it gives him passage through the object no matter how thick or how strong it is. Blueno can also create doors out of thin air that lead into a pocket dimension of sorts, that is apparently within the air itself, and warp to any desired location.ch.374 He is voiced by Seiji Sasaki in the Japanese version. In the English dub, he is voiced by Bob Carter for Funimation.
Jabra (ジャブラ, Jabura?) is a member of the CP9. Prior to the events at Enies Lobby, Jabra was sent on a mission along with Kumadori and Fukuro, to go undercover and assassinate some Revolutionaries. Jabra is extremely competitive and is outraged that both Lucci and Kaku are stronger than him, especially because Kaku was weaker when they had last parted ways. Jabra is very short-tempered, although surprisingly the most rational member of the CP9. When in battle Jabra uses deceptive and underhanded tactics.ch.413,414 He ate a zoan Devil Fruit called the Dog-Dog Fruit, Model: Wolf (イヌイヌの実 モデル:狼 ウルフ, Inu Inu no Mi, Moderu: Urufu?, renamed "Mutt-Mutt Fruit, Wolf Model" in the English manga) which gives him the power to change into a wolf or wolf-human hybrid.ch.401 In combat Jabra uses a fighting style called "Iron Body Kenpo" (renamed "Iron Body Kung Fu" in the English manga) and is the only Rokushiki fighter capable of moving while using "Iron body". He is voiced by Masaya Takatsuka in the Japanese version.
Kaku (カク?), nicknamed "Mountain Wind" (山風, Yama Kaze?), is a member of the CP9. He is first seen as one of the five foremen of Galley-La Company's Dock One at Water 7. Kaku also inspects the "Going Merry" and informs The Straw Hat Pirates that it was broken beyond repair. Later on, it is revealed that Kaku is a member of CP9 operating undercover to obtain the Pluton blueprints from Iceburg. During the course of the story, he eats a zoan Devil Fruit Ox-Ox Fruit, Model: Giraffe (ウシウシの実 モデル: ジラフ, Ushi Ushi no Mi, Moderu: Jirafu?, renamed "Ox-Ox Fruit, Giraffe Model" in the English manga), which grants him the ability to transform into a giraffe or a giraffe-human hybrid.ch.401 Kaku is also a skilled swordsman using the art of "Four Swords Style" by using his dual katana swords and both legs by using the one of the Rokushiki powers, "Rankyaku". Despite his role as a villain, Kaku is surprisingly honest, even to his enemies, though he doesn't seem to take insults well, but has great sportsmanship in combat. Kaku has a habit of speaking very maturely, despite only being a young adult. He is voiced by Ryōtarō Okiayu in the Japanese version. In the English dub, he is voiced by Jerry Jewell for Funimation.
Rob Lucci
Rob Lucci (ロブ・ルッチ, Robu Rucchi?) is the strongest member of the CP9. Lucci is a man known for ruthlessly and mercilessly enforcing the justice of the World Government.ch.422 Lucci was first seen as one of the five foremen of Galley-La Company's Dock One at Water 7. However, it was revealed that he is a member of the CP9 operating undercover, in order to obtain the Pluton blueprints from Iceburg. While undercover, Lucci never spoke, preferring to instead talk through his pet pigeon, Hattori, using ventriloquism. Lucci comes off as a cold and collected CP9 agent, almost never displaying any emotions. He seems to derive amusement and gratification from inflicting physical and emotional pain on others, making him a typical sadist. Despite all this apparent lack of morality, Lucci has displayed some, if very little, sympathy for those he dubs innocent. He ate a zoan Devil Fruit called the Cat-Cat Fruit, Model: Leopard (ネコネコの実 モデル:豹 レオパルド, Neko Neko no Mi, Moderu: Reoparudo?, renamed "Cat-Cat Fruit, Leopard Model" in the English manga), which allows him to transform into a leopard or leopard-human hybrid.ch.349 Lucci is also the only Rokushiki fighter to use the seventh power, "Rokuohgun" (renamed "Six King Pistol" in the English manga) He is voiced by Tomokazu Sekiep.232, in the English dub, he is voiced by Jason Liebrecht for Funimation.
Hattori (ハットリ?)ch.327 is Rob Lucci's pet pidgeon. Hattori was always around him (except while Lucci was fighting). Why Hattori was with Lucci was unknown considering the man's reputation as a heartless mass-murderer, though Lucci has had him since he was a child. He is voiced by Tomokazu Seki in the Japanese version.
Hattori (ハットリ?)ch.327 is Rob Lucci's pet pidgeon. Hattori was always around him (except while Lucci was fighting). Why Hattori was with Lucci was unknown considering the man's reputation as a heartless mass-murderer, though Lucci has had him since he was a child. He is voiced by Tomokazu Seki in the Japanese version.
Spandam (スパンダム, Supandamu?)ch.358 is the leader of the CP9, and son of the former boss, Spandine. Like his father, he lacks the fighting abilities of his subordinates.ch.379 Spandam cares only about himself and is obsessed with rising up through the ranks of the World Government.ch.391 Spandam is very clumsy (he tends to spill coffee on himself during moments of excitement), and short tempered with special sensitivity towards his name. He often reveals malice when gloating over his prisoners. He is voiced by Masaya Onosakaep.249. In the English dub, he is voiced by Kent Williams for Funimation.
Funk Freed (ファンクフリード, Fanku Furīdo?, Funkfreed in the English manga), is the name of a sword Spandam uses which has the power of a zoan Devil Fruit called the Elephant-Elephant Fruit (ゾウゾウの実, Zō Zō no Mi?), gives him the ability to transform into an elephant or an elephant-sword hybrid.ch.400
Funk Freed (ファンクフリード, Fanku Furīdo?, Funkfreed in the English manga), is the name of a sword Spandam uses which has the power of a zoan Devil Fruit called the Elephant-Elephant Fruit (ゾウゾウの実, Zō Zō no Mi?), gives him the ability to transform into an elephant or an elephant-sword hybrid.ch.400
24 November 2010
Cipher Pol Number 9
Cipher Pol Number 9 (サイファーポールナンバーナイン, Saifā Pōru Nanbā Nain?), abbreviated as CP9 (シーピーナイン, Shī Pī Nain?), is the secret, ninth unit of the World Government's intelligence agency Cipher Pol.ch.346 Specializing in assassination,ch.382 they utilize a weapon-themed martial art called Rokushiki (六式?, "The Six Powers" in the English manga) which has six different super-human powers called "Paper Dodge", "Moon walk", "Rankyaku", "Finger Pistol", "Shave", and "Iron Body".ch.347 The group was formerly led by Spandine (スパンダイン, Supandain?) who led the investigation in Ohara and was responsible for summoning the Buster Call.
Boa Hancock
The "Snake Princess" (蛇姫, Hebihime?) Boa Hancock (ボア・ハンコック, Boa Hankokku?), or "Pirate Empress" (「海賊女帝」, Kaizoku Jotei?), is a woman of extraordinary beauty, the sole female member of The Seven Warlords of the Sea, leader of the all-female Kuja (九蛇?) Tribe, and ruler of Amazon Lily (アマゾン・リリー, Amazon Rirī?), an island populated solely by women.ch.516 She believes that because she is so beautiful, anything bad that she does will be forgiven by everyone, and because of that she is not afraid to hurt pirates, Marines, and even her own people. During their childhood, she and her two sisters were sold as slaves to the Celestial Dragons, who forced them to eat Devil Fruits. She and her sisters still bear the brand of the Celestial Dragons on their backs. To conceal their shameful past from their kinswomen the sisters concocted a story about having defeated a gorgon, claiming that their strange abilities were the result of the Gorgon's Curse and that they have cursed eyes on their backs that would turn anyone who sees them into stone.ch.517,521 Hancock consumed the paramecia Love-Love Fruit (メロメロの実, Mero Mero no Mi?) which gave her the ability to turn anyone charmed by her into stone.ch.516,521 Unlike the women of the Kuja Tribe who only have Ambition, Hancock has King Ambition. Eventually, she falls in love with Luffy because of his selflessness and helps him infiltrate into the prison Impel Down to rescue his brother Ace.ch.522 Hancock also participated in the war, and she has drawn suspicion from some of the marine officials due to her secretly helping Luffy. Hancock also decreed that Luffy should recover on Amazon Lily to hide from the World Government. Her animal theme is the snake. Hancock's former bounty is 80,000,000 Berries. She is voiced by Kotono Mitsuishi in the Japanese version of the anime.
Her younger sisters both ate a model of the Snake-Snake Fruit (ヘビヘビの実, Hebi Hebi no Mi?) which are both zoan type. The middle sister, Boa Sandersonia (ボア・サンダーソニア, Boa Sandāsonia?), ate the anaconda model. The youngest sister, Boa Marigold (ボア・マリーゴールド, Boa Marīgōrudo?) ate the cobra model. These fruits' abilities allow them to turn into a snake or a snake-human hybrid of their respective models.ch.519
Her younger sisters both ate a model of the Snake-Snake Fruit (ヘビヘビの実, Hebi Hebi no Mi?) which are both zoan type. The middle sister, Boa Sandersonia (ボア・サンダーソニア, Boa Sandāsonia?), ate the anaconda model. The youngest sister, Boa Marigold (ボア・マリーゴールド, Boa Marīgōrudo?) ate the cobra model. These fruits' abilities allow them to turn into a snake or a snake-human hybrid of their respective models.ch.519
Bartholomew Kuma
Bartholomew Kuma (バーソロミュー・くま, Bāsoromyū Kuma?), nicknamed "The Tyrant" (暴君, Bōkun?), is one of The Seven Warlords of the Sea. He is based on the real life pirate Bartholomew Roberts. Self-declared pacifist,[citation needed] Kuma is frequently seen carrying a Bible. He has a reputation to be the only Warlord truly obedient to the World Government,ch.474 It is revealed in chapter 603 that he is a officer in the Revolutionary Army. He ate a paramecia Devil Fruit called the Paw-Paw Fruit (ニキュニキュの実, Nikyu Nikyu no Mi?) and thus gained the ability to repel anything he touches with his palms, including physical objects such as people or air as well as abstract things such as pain and fatigue.ch.484,485 The fruit also gave him the ability to teleport himself and other people, which he usually does after asking them where they would like to go. Kuma is the model for the Pacifista (パシフィスタ, Pashifisuta?), a class of experimental cyborgs, created by Dr. "Vegapunk". Their bodies are made of a substance harder than steel and from their mouths they can shoot blasts so powerful that they melt even metal.ch.485 The other pacifista look just like Kuma, sharing his abnormally large stature, but lack the Warlord's Devil Fruit ability. Instead, Vegapunk gave them the ability to shoot laser beams from the palms of their hands.ch.508,509He was the one responsible for separating the entire Straw Hat crew onto different islands. His animal theme is the bear, Kuma is Japanese for "bear". Kuma's former bounty is 296,000,000 Berries. He and his copies are voiced by Hideyuki Hori in the Japanese version of the anime.ep.399
Gecko Moria
Gecko Moria (ゲッコー・モリア, Gekkō Moria?) is the leader of the island-sized ship Thriller Bark and one of The Seven Warlords of the Sea.ch.448 The Shadow-Shadow Fruit (カゲカゲの実, Kage Kage no Mi?) grants him the ability to control his shadow, allowing it to act completely independent from his body,ch.463 and to control the shadows of others.ch.455 Because his last crew was entirely annihilated in the "New World",ch.481 he created a completely obedient, immortal army of zombies by implanting stolen shadows into corpses.ch.457 Moria is seemingly killed by Warlord Doflamingo in the aftermath of the Battle of Marineford, but he escapes by 'disappearing.' His animal theme is the bat (The Japanese word for bat is "komori" and Moria's name and surname make up that word [Gek-komori-a]. Moria's former bounty is 320,000,000 Berries. He is voiced by Katsuhisa Hōki in the Japanese version of the anime.ep.343
Hundreds of zombies make up the crew of Thriller Bark. Absalom (アブサロム, Abusaromu?), nickamed "Graveyard" Absalom (墓場のアブサロム, Hakaba no Abusaromu?), is a man augmented by Hogback with various animal parts, who ate a paramecia Devil Fruit, called the Clear-Clear Fruit (スケスケの実, Suke Suke no Mi?), that allows him to turn himself and anything he touches invisible.ch.464 Perona (ペローナ, Perōna?), nicknamed "Ghost Princess" (ゴーストプリンセス, Gōsuto Purinsesu?), is a woman who ate a paramecia Devil Fruit called the Hollow-Hollow Fruit (ホロホロの実, Horo Horo no Mi?), allowing her to create various ghosts that can either explode upon command or cause severe depression in an opponent.ch.461,465 Hogback (ホグバック, Hogubakku?) is a medical genius who patches up corpses for Moria's stolen shadows.ch.449 Using Luffy's shadow, Moria revived the body of Oars (オーズ, Ōzu?), nicknamed "Continent Puller" (大陸パラー, Tairiku Parā?), who is an extremely huge giant who ruled a country of brigands during his lifetime five hundred years before his resurrection.ch.456–457 Using Brook's shadow, Moria revived Ryuma (龍馬, Ryūma?) who is a samurai from the Wano Country in the New World who slayed a dragon during his lifetime. Using Zoro's shadow, Moria revived Jigoro (ジゴロウ, Jigorō?), nicknamed Jigoro "of the Wind" (風のジゴロウ, Kaze no Jigorō?), who is a samurai who single handedly killed seven-thousand pirates to save his own family. Using Sanji's shadow, Moria revived a penguin, dog corpse named Inuppe (犬ッペ?). Moria used a shadow to revive Victoria Cindry (ビクトリア・シンドリー, Bikutoria Shindorī?), who was once a famous stage actress whom Hogback was in love with, and she now has plate throwing fighting abilities. Kumacy (クマシー, Kumashī?) is a stuffed bear zombie with strength surpassing real bears. Taralan (タララン, Tararan?) is a large zombie of the combination between a monkey and a spider with spider web combat abilities.
Hundreds of zombies make up the crew of Thriller Bark. Absalom (アブサロム, Abusaromu?), nickamed "Graveyard" Absalom (墓場のアブサロム, Hakaba no Abusaromu?), is a man augmented by Hogback with various animal parts, who ate a paramecia Devil Fruit, called the Clear-Clear Fruit (スケスケの実, Suke Suke no Mi?), that allows him to turn himself and anything he touches invisible.ch.464 Perona (ペローナ, Perōna?), nicknamed "Ghost Princess" (ゴーストプリンセス, Gōsuto Purinsesu?), is a woman who ate a paramecia Devil Fruit called the Hollow-Hollow Fruit (ホロホロの実, Horo Horo no Mi?), allowing her to create various ghosts that can either explode upon command or cause severe depression in an opponent.ch.461,465 Hogback (ホグバック, Hogubakku?) is a medical genius who patches up corpses for Moria's stolen shadows.ch.449 Using Luffy's shadow, Moria revived the body of Oars (オーズ, Ōzu?), nicknamed "Continent Puller" (大陸パラー, Tairiku Parā?), who is an extremely huge giant who ruled a country of brigands during his lifetime five hundred years before his resurrection.ch.456–457 Using Brook's shadow, Moria revived Ryuma (龍馬, Ryūma?) who is a samurai from the Wano Country in the New World who slayed a dragon during his lifetime. Using Zoro's shadow, Moria revived Jigoro (ジゴロウ, Jigorō?), nicknamed Jigoro "of the Wind" (風のジゴロウ, Kaze no Jigorō?), who is a samurai who single handedly killed seven-thousand pirates to save his own family. Using Sanji's shadow, Moria revived a penguin, dog corpse named Inuppe (犬ッペ?). Moria used a shadow to revive Victoria Cindry (ビクトリア・シンドリー, Bikutoria Shindorī?), who was once a famous stage actress whom Hogback was in love with, and she now has plate throwing fighting abilities. Kumacy (クマシー, Kumashī?) is a stuffed bear zombie with strength surpassing real bears. Taralan (タララン, Tararan?) is a large zombie of the combination between a monkey and a spider with spider web combat abilities.
Don Quixote Doflamingo
Don Quixote Doflamingo (ドンキホーテ・ドフラミンゴ, Donkihōte Dofuramingo?), nicknamed "Scum of the Sea" (海のクズ, Umi no Kuzu?), is one of The Seven Warlords of the Sea. His names are a reference to the Miguel de Cervantes' novel Don Quixote and his animal theme, the flamingo, represented by the large coat of pink feathers that he wears. Doflamingo is one of the most carefree characters in One Piece. He seems to have a penchant for dramatic phrasing, as well as a habit of exaggerated posing when giving declarations. He also has an odd habit of sitting on unconventional things, like on the back of chairs, on tables, barrels and, even a pile of bodies in the middle of a war zone. Doflamingo likes to toy around with his opponents and victims in a somewhat sadistic and cruel way. He has the ability to control others using movements with his fingers similar to that of a puppeteer, although no Devil Fruit has been linked officially to this ability as of yetch.231. He believes that the Great Pirate Era is nearing its end and a new age is about to begin.ch.303 He owns a large auction house at the Sabaody Archipelago, where human and people of other species are sold as slaves.ch.504 After the war between the pirates and marines ended, he seemingly killed Gecko Moria and said to him that he had orders coming from someone higher up than the marines. Doflamingo also presumably killed Bellamy after he found about Bellamy's humiliating defeat by Luffy. Doflamingo's former bounty is 340,000,000 Berries. He is voiced by Hideyuki Tanaka in the Japanese version.ep.151 In the English dub, he is voiced by Robert McCollum for Funimation.ep.151
23 November 2010
Dracule Mihawk
Dracule Mihawk (ジュラキュール・ミホーク, Jurakyūru Mihōku?), nicknamed "Hawk-Eye" Mihawk (鷹の目のミホーク, Taka no Me no Mihōku?), is one of The Seven Warlords of the Sea and the strongest swordsman in the world.ch.50,52,69 He is a pale skinned man who travels in a small boat that is shaped like a coffin.ch.50 In battle he either wields a knife that he carries as a pendant around his neck and if he finds a worthy opponent he will use his black claymore, known as the world's strongest sword. He is also able to slice objects at a distance like Zoro can, which is called the world's strongest slash .ch.51 Both weapons bear a resemblance to the Christian cross, a resemblance that was removed in the 4Kids dub by shortening their crossguards.ep.23 Recently, he appeared at the war in order to help the marines, but he stood down when Shanks arrived. His animal theme is the hawk. He is voiced by Takeshi Aono in the Japanese version of the anime.ep.24 In the English dubs, he is voiced by Wayne Grayson for 4Kidsep.23 and by John Gremillion for Funimation.ep.24
The Seven Warlords of the Sea
The Seven Warlords of the Sea (王下七武海, Ōka Shichibukai?) are extremely powerful pirates who have allied themselves with the World Government. They hand over a fraction of their loot to the Government. Other pirates consider the Seven Warlords to be "government dogs".ch.69 For their allegiance, the World Government pardons these pirates for their crimes and removes their bounties.ch.342 The Seven Warlords are loosely based on the privateers of Europe, government endorsed pirates considered heroes in their homeland and pillagers in others.ch.260
Seaman Recruit Jango (ジャンゴ?, renamed "Django" in the English manga and the 4Kids dub) is the first mate of the Black Cat Pirates, but thanks to Fullbody, Jango is a Marine Seaman recruit. Jango is currently good friends with him as they have participated in a dance competition together and cooperate to defeat invading pirates. Also, Fullbody helps save Jango from his death sentence. Jango and Fullbody are both romantically attracted to their commanding officer, Captain Hina, but she resists their feelings. Jango's weapons of choice are chakrams he uses for slashing, and hypnosis. Jango's former bounty was 9,000,000 Berries, before he became a marine. He is voiced by Kazuki Yao in the Japanese version. In the English dubs, he is voiced by Oliver Wyman for 4Kids and by Kenny Green for Funimation.
Seaman Recruit Fullbody (フルボディ, Furubodi?), nicknamed "Double Ironfist" Fullbody (両鉄拳のフルボディ, Ryōtekken no Furubodi?), is a Marine Seaman Recruit serving under Captain Hina along with his friend, Jango. Fullbody is a successful and arrogant Marine Lieutenant who loved entertaining women and considered himself to be a lady's man. However, after a series of unlucky events after meeting Sanji and the Straw Hats, he has somewhat changed. Since then, Fullbody befriends former pirate Jango. Because he admires Jango's dancing skills, and the fact that Jango helped him fight off a pirate crew, he defends him in court after he is captured, at the cost of his own rank. Later, the two of them become followers and attracted to Hina, however Hina resists her feelings. Fullbody is an adept fighter, using a boxing-like fighting style, while wielding iron knuckle dusters as weapons. He is voiced by Hideo Ishikawa in Japanese version. In the English dubs, he is voiced by Tom Wayland for 4Kids and by John Burgmeier for Funimation.
Chief Petty Officer Helmeppo (ヘルメッポ, Herumeppo?) is Morgan's bratty son. He is now a Marine Chief Petty Officer under the command of Garp along with Coby. Helmeppo was a coward who hid behind his father's wealth and power. Helmeppo loved his father and thought his father loved him back. However, Morgan only thinks of Helmeppo as a worthless son. After Morgan is arrested, Helmeppo lost access to all the luxurious life that he once held, and so he reluctantly becomes a Marine. Since then, Helmeppo goes under the tutelage of Garp with Coby. Thanks to Garp, Helmeppo now has very decent fighting abilities as he wields dual kukri as his weapon of choice. He is voiced by Kōichi Nagano in the Japanese version. In the English dubs, he is voiced by Sean Schemmel for 4Kids and by Mike McFarland for Funimation.
22 November 2010
Master Chief Petty Officer Coby (コビー, Kobī?, renamed "Koby" in the English manga) works together with Helmeppo under Vice Admiral Garp. He was also a former chore boy of Alvida's old crew. When he first appeared, Coby is a small, timid, coward. However, thanks to Luffy, he has the courage to leave the crew and fulfill his dream of joining the Marines. Since joining the Marines, he befriends Helmeppo and goes under the tutelage of Garp. Because of training, Coby has learned Rokushiki and can use "Shave". Recently, he has awakened the power of Haki. He is voiced by Mika Doi in the Japanese version. In the English dubs, he is voiced by Kayzie Rogers for 4Kids and by Leah Clark for Funimation.
Ensign Tashigi (たしぎ?), named after the Common Snipe (タシギ, Tashigi?),ch.137 is a Marine officer and Smoker's second in command.ch.179 While adept at sword fighting, she is unusually clumsy.ch.96 She is also very well-versed in the famous katana, knowing their names and origins. Her stated goal is to remove all Meitō, named swords with prestigious histories, from the hands of those who would use them for their own ends.ch.97 After meeting Zoro, she sets out to sea with Smoker, chasing after him and the crew. She bears a striking resemblance to "Kuina", Zoro's deceased childhood friend and rival, something he is uncomfortable with.ch.100 She is voiced by Junko Noda in the Japanese version of the anime.ep.48 In the English dubs, she is voiced by Priscilla Everett for 4Kidsep.40 and by Monica Rial for Funimation.ep.48
When a reader asked Oda why Tashigi looked similar to Kuina, Oda answered that the similarity is "just a coincidence" and that there is no relation and backstory between the characters.
When a reader asked Oda why Tashigi looked similar to Kuina, Oda answered that the similarity is "just a coincidence" and that there is no relation and backstory between the characters.
Captain Nezumi (ネズミ?) is a Marine Captain of the 16th Branch in the East Blue. Nezumi accepted bribes from Arlong in exchange for keeping the Arlong Pirates out of Marine jurisdiction. Once Arlong is defeated, Nezumi attempts to intervene against the Straw Hat Pirates, but is quickly defeated. The report he gives to his superiors on the incident prompts the Marines to assign Luffy with his first bounty. He is voiced by Tamotsu Nishiwaki in the Japanese version. In the English dubs, he is voiced by Dan Green for 4Kids and by Vic Mignogna for Funimation.
Very Good
Captain Very Good (ベリーグッド, Berī Guddo?) is one of the Marines involved in the Buster Call on Enies Lobby. Very Good has eaten a paramecia Devil Fruit called the Berry-Berry Fruit (ベリベリの実, Beri Beri no Mi?) which makes him immune to blunt physical attacks by separating his body into several berry shaped orbs.
Captain Shu (シュウ, Shū?) is one of the Marines that helped in the Buster Call on Enies Lobby. Shu has eaten a paramecia Devil Fruit called the Rust-Rust Fruit (サビサビの実, Sabi Sabi no Mi?) that allows him to cause metallic items to rust and come apart. Shu destroyed one of Zoro's swords, "Yubashiri", with ease. He is voiced by Ryouhei Nakao in the Japanese version.
21 November 2010
Captain T-Bone (Tボーン, Tī Bōn?), nicknamed "Ship Cutter" (船斬り, Funekiri?), is a Marine Captain and former knight. T-Bone values the soldiers under his command, he has a tendency to fuss over their minor problems in a melodramatic manner, which can make them uncomfortable. He is noted for being far too willing to sacrifice himself, even when the situation does not call for something so drastic. T-Bone is well-known for his swordsmanship. He is skilled enough to send attacks composed of blue lines of energy acting as blades that are powerful enough to cut through trains, boats, and sea kings. T-Bone's weapon of choice is a long, straight-bladed sword with ornately decorated hilt and sheath. He is voiced by Tomomichi Nishimura in the Japanese version.
Captain Hina (ヒナ?), nicknamed "Black Cage" Hina (黒檻のヒナ, Kuro Ori no Hina?), is a Marine Captain, and a former classmate of notable marine Smoker. She is also the object of both Fullbody and Jango's affections. Hina has a tendency to speak in the third person, though this only seems to add to her attractiveness for her subordinates. Hina has eaten a paramecia Devil Fruit called the Cage-Cage Fruit (オリオリの実, Ori Ori no Mi?, "Bind-Bind Fruit" in the English manga), granting her the ability to let others pass through her body, in the process getting encaged in a ring of iron. She can also extend her arms to form a cage to produce the same effects to people who pass through its bars. She is voiced by Tomoko Naka in the Japanese version. In the English dubs, she is voiced by Kathleen Delaney for 4Kids, and by Jennifer Seman for Funimation.
Commodore Purinpurin (プリンプリン?) is a Marine Commodore in the 77th Branch of the Marines. He is dispatched to Arlong Park to evacuate the survivors of Arlong's tyrannical reign. However, his mission fails as his branch is killed by Hachi, Kuroobi, and Choo, Choo dealing with Purinpurin personally. He was voiced by Tetsu Inada in Japanese version. In the English dub, he was voiced by Barry Yandell for Funimation.
Commodore Smoker (スモーカー, Sumōkā?, "Chaser" in the 4Kids dub), nicknamed "White Hunter" Smoker (白猟のスモーカー, Hakryō no Sumōkā?, "White Chase" Smoker in the English manga, and "Smoke Hunter" in the 4Kids dub), is a Marine officer and a cigar enthusiast, keeping plenty of cigars strapped to the left side of his jacket while smoking two lit ones in his mouth.ch.98 He has the powers of the Plume-Plume Fruit (モクモクの実, Moku Moku no Mi?, "Smoke-Smoke Fruit" in the 4Kids dub), a logia Devil Fruit which gives him the power to manipulate, create, control and transform into smoke.ch.100 In the 4Kids version of the anime, his cigars were edited out, while their smoke was left in, giving the appearance of smoke constantly issuing from his mouth.ep.40 He was originally voiced by Ginzō Matsuo in the Japanese version of the anime.ep.48 After Matsuo's death, Mahito Ōba assumed the role.ep.79 In the English dubs, he is voiced by Scottie Ray for 4Kidsep.40 and by Greg Dulcie for Funimation.ep.48
Sentomaru (戦桃丸, Sentōmaru?) is head of the Marines' Science Unit and bodyguard of "Vegapunk". Sentoumaru brags about having the tightest defense, and also claims to have the tightest mouth and refuses to reply to any questions. However, despite his claim, he is willing to tell everyone about himself whenever something related to a question or an event occurs. Whenever he gives away information, he claims he is giving it away freely and not because the person he is talking to asked or was curious about something. Sentomaru's fighting style is similar to that of a sumo wrestler but he also uses a massive axe. He is voiced by Kazue Ikura in the Japanese version.
20 November 2010
Vice Admiral Doberman (ドーベルマン, Dōberuman?) is one of the five Vice Admirals who lead the Buster Call on Enies Lobby. So far, none of Doberman's fighting abilities have been seen yet. He is voiced by Eiji Takemoto in the Japanese version of the anime.
Vice Admiral Yamakaji (ヤマカジ?) is one of the Vice Admirals who lead the Buster Call assault on Enies Lobby. Not much is known about Yamakaji. All that has been revealed is that he is a swordsman wielding a katana sword. Yamakaji is voiced by Yasunori Masutani in the Japanese version of the anime.
Vice Admiral Strawberry (ストロベリー, Sutoroberī?) is one of the Vice Admirals who lead the Buster Call assault on Enies Lobby. All that is known about Strawberry's fighting abilities is that he wields dual sabre swords. He is voiced by Eiji Takemoto in the Japanese version of the anime.
Vice Admiral Onigumo (オニグモ?) is one of the five Vice Admirals who lead the Buster Call on Enies Lobby. Onigumo apparently ate some sort of zoan Devil Fruit that allows him to grow three pairs of spider-like black arms and a spider abdomen from his back. With these spider-like appendages and his own two human arms, he is capable of wielding a total of eight cutlass swords. These spider-like arms seem to be produced from his elongated hair. Onigumo was originally voiced by Keiichi Sonobe and is currently voiced by Takahiro Fujimoto in the Japanese version of the anime.
Monkey D. Garp
Vice Admiral Monkey D. Garp (モンキー・D・ガープ, Monkī Dī Gāpu?), nicknamed Garp the "Fist" (ゲンコツのガープ, Genkotsu no Gāpu?) and "Hero of the Marines" (海軍の英雄, Kaigun no Eiyū?), is the father of Monkey D. Dragon and the grandfather of Luffy.ch.432 He is famous for cornering Gol D. Rogerch.431 and considered a hero of the Marine.ch.432 After Roger's execution, he took care of Roger's son, Ace, raising him like his own grandson.ch.551 He has superhuman strength, enough to lift and throw cannonballs like baseball pitches.ch.438 Garp takes both Coby and Helmeppo under his wing. He is voiced by Hiroshi Naka in the Japanese version of the anime.ep.68 In English, he is voiced by Brian Mathis for Funimation.ep.68
19 November 2010
Admiral Akainu (赤犬?), was known as Sakazuki (サカズキ?) prior to his promotion, and nicknamed, "Red Dog" (レッドドッグ, Reddo Doggu?), has the power of an unnamed logia Devil Fruit that gives him the power to control or create magma and lava. Akainu practices Absolute Justice, an extremely ruthless interpretation of the greater good, such as destroying an entire ship full of escaping civilians in the off chance that one criminal might be hiding amongst them. He is also notable for wearing a cap low over his eyes, obscuring his facial features for all of his early appearances. Akainu was the one responsible for Ace's death. He is voiced by Fumihiko Tachiki in the Japanese version of the anime. In the flashback from 20 years before the current story, he was voiced by Michio Nakao.
Admiral Kizaru (黄猿?), was known as Borsalino (ボルサリーノ, Borusarīno?) prior to his promotion to admiral, and nicknamed "Yellow Monkey" (黄色人種, Ōshoku Jinshu?). Kizaru possesses the power of the Glint-Glint Fruit (ピカピカの実, Pika Pika no Mi?), a logia Devil Fruit, allowing him to turn himself into photons and move at the speed of light (and take advantage of reflecting surfaces), and fire destructive lasers. Kizaru is a middle aged man who wears a yellow striped suit with a Marine coat draped over it like a cape, his arms not in its sleeves. Kizaru also wears pure white shoes and gold-amber tinted sunglasses. He is a very calm yet absent-minded man who speaks very slowly and occasionally elongates the last word of his sentences. He is voiced by Unshō Ishizuka in the Japanese version of the anime.
Admiral Aokiji (青雉?), was known as Kuzan (クザン?) prior to his promotionch.393, and nicknamed "Blue Pheasant" (ブルーフェザント, Burū Fezanto?),[citation needed] is an extremely lazy Marine officer and one of only three with the rank of admiral.ch.319 He possesses the power of the Ice-Ice Fruit (ヒエヒエの実, Hie Hie no Mi?, "Chilly-Chilly Fruit" in the English manga), a logia Devil Fruit, which allows him to freeze things,ch.319 to create ice, or to transform into it.ch.320 Aside from making him one of the governments strongest fighters,ch.319 this ability allows him to ride a bicycle across the sea. At the end of chapter 594, it is shown that Fleet Admiral Sengoku is considering him as his successor. ch.303 He is voiced by Takehito Koyasu in the Japanese version of the anime.ep.226 In the English dub, he is voiced by Bob Carter for Funimation.
Fleet Admiral Sengoku (センゴク, Sengoku?), nicknamed Sengoku the "Buddha" (仏のセンゴク, Hotoke no Sengoku?)ch.234, Sengoku the "Strategist" (戦国ストラテジスト, Sengoku Sutoratejisuto?)ch.556, and "Saint" (聖人, Seijin?), commands the Marine. He was one of the major figures along with Whitebeard, "Shiki", and Garp while Gol D. Roger was still alive, and still continues to be in the present. As the commanding officer of the entire Marine force, Sengoku has absolute power over every action the Marines do, including summoning a Buster Call. The only ones that are above him and command him are Kong, the Commander in Chief, and the Five Elder Stars. Sengoku ate a devil fruit that allows him to turn into something similar to a gigantic Daibutsua Zoan type, Hito Hito no Mi: Model Daibutsu, which is probably the reason for his nickname. The color of his body (and uniform) seems to change to a dark color, making him appear to be ominously shadowed at all times. In this form his body has different proportions, his torso and arms are much larger compared to the rest of his body. This ability gives him a massive power boost to his already impressive strength. Even without his Devil Fruit powers, it is implied that Sengoku also has superhuman strength. He is voiced by Takkou Ishimori. In the English dub, he is voiced by Ed Blaylock for Funimation.
The Marine is a military force under the command of the World Government. The uniforms of its soldiers, who are referred to as "marines" in adaptations using "Marine", as well as the Marine's ships and installations prominently display the word "Marine" in all-upper-case roman letters, often alongside a depiction of a sea gull. The words "marine" and "Marine", respectively, are French, Dutch and German for "navy". In the 4Kids dub of the anime series, these were edited out and replaced with the word "Navy."
18 November 2010
The World Nobles
The World Nobles (世界貴族, Sekai Kizoku?), also known as the Celestial Dragons (天竜人, Tenryūbito?), are the descendants of the twenty kings who established what is now known as the World Government, and are able to buy people, including pirates, who have been captured and put into slavery and their actions are overlooked by the World Government.
The World Government
The World Government, headed by The Five Elder Stars,ch.233 is affiliated with over 170 countries from around the world.ch.398
Brook (ブルック, Burukku?), nicknamed "Dead Bones" Brook (デッドボーンズブルック, Deddo Bōnzu Burukku?) (formerly "Humming" Brook (鼻唄のブルック, Hanauta no Burukku?))ch.489, is the crew's 88-year old musician.ch.489 He is a skeleton, resurrected by the Revive-Revive Fruit (ヨミヨミの実, Yomi Yomi no Mi?), a paramecia Devil Fruit, which grants its eater a second life.ch.443 He is an excellent musician, who claims being able to play any instrument,ch.486 and a skilled fencer, who uses a shikomizue, a Japanese cane sword, in battle.ch.454 His lightweight skeleton body allows him to jump extraordinarily highch.493 and to run across water.ch.443 His gentlemanly impression stands in stark contrast to his incredibly bad manners: He bluntly requests to see women's panties, helps himself to people's food, and belches out loud on the dinner table.ch.442,443 When Brook's former crew, the "Rumbar Pirates", entered the Grand Line, they left their pet whale "Laboon" behind at Reverse Mountain, promising to return after sailing around the world.ch.487 Fifty years later, Brook, being the only survivor, considers it his duty to fulfill his former crew's promise.ch.459 Brook's current bounty is 33,000,000 Berries. He is voiced by Chō in the Japanese version of the franchise.ep.339 He does not yet have an English voice, as the English dub has yet to reach that far into the series.
The idea of a skeleton musician was first conceived by Oda in the year 2000.
The idea of a skeleton musician was first conceived by Oda in the year 2000.
Franky (フランキー, Furankī?), nicknamed "Cyborg" Franky (サイボーグ フランキー, Saibōgu Furankī?)ch.435, is the crew's 34 year old shipwright.ch.437 After his pirate parents abandoned him at age ten,ch.427 he became an apprentice of the master shipwright Tom along with Iceburg, who later becomes the mayor of Water 7.ch.354 When Tom was taken away as a criminal by the government for building Gol D. Roger's ship, the "Oro Jackson", Franky tried to stop them.ch.357 In the attempt, he was severely injured and, in order to survive, had to exchange parts of his body with replacements made of scrap metal,ch.358 turning himself into a cola-powered cyborg.ch.336,339 Franky, thus, gained an artificial body which grants him super-human strength.ch.418 Its front is heavily armored and insensitive to most attacks, while his back, where he could not reach, remains vulnerable.ch.368 His body is equipped with a wide variety of weapons, including several guns and an extendable right arm.ch.423 His stomach contains a refrigerator compartment that can hold up to three bottles of cola to fuel him and his attacks.ch.368 His personality is also affected by the type of beverage that is stored in his refrigerator compartment. He can use up large amounts of cola in an instant to launch powerful bursts of air from his arms, one such move is called the Coup de Vent.ch.338 After word of his death had spread, he cast off his original name, Cutty Flam (カティ・フラム, Kati Furamu?), and became the underground boss Franky.ch.352 His dream is to build a ship, to become its shipwright, and sail it to the end of the world. To that end, he builds the Straw Hats Pirates' second ship, the brigantine-rigged sloop-of-war Thousand Sunny, and joins the crew. Franky tends to act tough most of the time like saying his catch phrase "SUPER!!" However, Franky can get emotional very easy and start to cry, but then denies it.ch.436,437,439 Franky's current bounty is 44,000,000 Berries. He is voiced by Kazuki Yao as an adult and by Junko Noda as a child in the Japanese version of the franchise.ep.233 In the English dub, he is voiced by Patrick Seitz as an adult and by Greg Ayres as a child for Funimation.
Nico Robin
Nico Robin (ニコ・ロビン, Niko Robin?), nicknamed "Devil Child" (悪魔の子, Akuma no Ko?) by the World Government is the crew's 28-year-old archaeologist.ch.218 Growing up alone on the island Ohara (オハラ?), home of the world's largest and oldest library, she became an archaeologist at the age of eightch.391,392 and learned how to decipher the writings on the ancient stones called Poneglyph (歴史の本文, Pōnegurifu?), which are scattered around the world. After the World Government destroyed Ohara for housing archaeologists along with her returning mother, Nico Olvia (ニコ・オルビア, Niko Orubia?), researching these stones,ch.395 Robin spent twenty years on the run, cooperating with various pirates and other outlaws and became a member of Baroque Works nicknamed as "Ms. All-Sunday" (ミス・オールサンデー, Misu Ōrusandē?, renamed "Ms. Sunday" in the 4Kids dub) at the time, being briefly an antagonist to the Straw Hat Pirates before joining them.ch.398 Like the scholars of Ohara before her, it is her dream to find and decipher the Rio Poneglyph (真の歴史の本文, Rio Pōnegurifu?), which is said to tell the world's lost history.ch.218 Her devotion to history and its preservation goes so far that she will even risk her life to protect ancient artifacts and buildings.ch.264 She ate a paramecia Devil Fruit called the Flower-Flower Fruit (ハナハナの実, Hana Hana no Mi?), allowing her to create copies of any of her body parts on any surface that she can see.ch.170 However, if her replicated parts are hurt, she feels the pain on her actual body.ch.265 Robin's current bounty is 80,000,000 Berries. Robin is voiced by Yuriko Yamaguchi as an adult and by Anzu Nagai as a child in the Japanese version of the franchise.ep.67 In the English dubs, she is voiced by Veronica Taylor for 4Kidsep.47 and by Stephanie Young for Funimation.ep.144
17 November 2010
Tony Tony Chopper
Tony Tony Chopper (トニートニー・チョッパー, Tonī Tonī Choppā?), nicknamed "Cotton Candy Lover" Chopper (わたあめ大好きのチョッパー, Watāme Daisuki no Choppā?), is the crew's 15-year-old doctor.ch.154 He is a blue-nosed reindeer who gained human properties by eating the zoan Devil Fruit called the Human-Human Fruit (ヒトヒトの実, Hito Hito no Mi?).ch.140 The fruit-granted ability allows him to change between three forms. His first and original form is that of a reindeer. In his second form, he has the proportions of a human child, while retaining his antlers, hooves, and fur. In his third form, he looks like a brawny man with fur or gorrila. In addition to his normal transformations, Chopper developed a drug he calls Rumble Ball (ランブル・ボール, Ranburu Bōru?), which allows him to assume four additional forms for the duration of three minutes. These forms focus on certain aspects of his body to improve his physical abilities. These are broken down into "points" in the original version (renamed "boost" in the English manga and the 4Kids dub) called: guard, horn, jumping, and arm point with the original three becoming walk, brain, and heavy point.ch.149,186 If Chopper uses a second Rumble Ball within six hours, he cannot control his transformations.ch.406 If he uses a third Rumble Ball within six hours of the first, he transforms into a monstrous version of himself and loses all self-control called "Monster Point".ch.407 He also has the ability to understand other animals' speech, because he is an animal himself.ch.154 What he is not capable of, however, is hiding his feelings.ch.140 Chopper's current bounty is 50 Berries. He is voiced by Ikue Ōtani in the Japanese version of the franchise.ep.83 In the English dubs, he is voiced by Lisa Ortiz for 4Kidsep.51, and by Brina Palencia for Funimation.
When creating Chopper, Oda stated that he wanted a mascot who is both cute and fearless. An IGN review of the manga praised Chopper's character as one of the best in the series and said that he was able to be both touching and funny. Chopper ranked in the Top 5 of both Shōnen Jump character popularity polls since the character's introduction. Oda said that the message he wanted to illustrate in regards to Chopper's family situation is that a person who is not blood-related to another person can still be considered as a member of one's family.
When creating Chopper, Oda stated that he wanted a mascot who is both cute and fearless. An IGN review of the manga praised Chopper's character as one of the best in the series and said that he was able to be both touching and funny. Chopper ranked in the Top 5 of both Shōnen Jump character popularity polls since the character's introduction. Oda said that the message he wanted to illustrate in regards to Chopper's family situation is that a person who is not blood-related to another person can still be considered as a member of one's family.
Sanji (サンジ?), nicknamed "Black Leg" Sanji (黒脚のサンジ, Kuro Ashi no Sanji?)ch.435, is the crew's 19-year-oldch.55 chef. He knows how it feels to starve from first hand experience,ch.58 so he will never refuse someone a meal.ch.48 He has a strong sense of chivalry, because of which, he will never harm a woman, even if he dies.ch.403 Sanji also seems to keep this code regardless of a woman's appearance.ch.453 His dream is to find the "All Blue" (オールブルー, Ōru Burū?, renamed "Great Blue" in the 4Kids dub), a legendary sea, containing every kind of fish in the world.ch.57 Sanji is also a very skilled fighter who uses only kicks. He said that this is because a chef's hands are his most prized possessions and should not be risked in battle.ch.370His fighting style resembles the capoeira. Sanji also has the ability to employ a fire based kick, called "Diable Jamble" (ディアブルジャンブ, Diaburu Janbu?, spelled as "Diable Jambe" in the English manga) in which he sets his leg on fire by spinning around rapidly, this causes his attacks to be much more powerful, Sanji first used this technique at Enies Lobby. Sanji's current bounty is 77,000,000 Berries. He is voiced by Hiroaki Hirata as an adult and Ikue Ōtani as a child in the Japanese version of the franchise.ep.20 In the English dubs, he is voiced by David Moo as an adult and Veronica Taylor as a child for 4Kidsep.19, and by Eric Vale as an adult and Christine Auten as a child for Funimation.ep.20 Sanji ranked in the Top 5 of all three Shōnen Jump character popularity polls.
Usopp (ウソップ, Usoppu?), nicknamed "King of Snipers Sogeking" (狙撃の王様, Sogeki no Ō-sama?, renamed "Sniper King" in the English manga), is the crew's 17-year old marksman.ch.42 His name comes from Uso, which means liar in Japanese, and Aesop, the author of The Boy Who Cried Wolf.[citation needed] He is a liar,ch.27 talented inventor,ch.190 as well as a skilled painterch.42 and sculptor.ch.106 His primary weapon is a slingshot, which he uses to fire various kinds of ammunition, ranging from rotten eggs and shuriken to hot sauce, and both flaming and exploding projectiles.ch.332 Later, he creates himself a large, dial-powered slingshot he calls Kabuto (カブト?),ch.465 with which he is able to outrange even guns.ch.419 Usopp's father, Yasopp, left his family to become a pirate with Shank's crew when Usopp was still very young.ch.25 Some time after this, Usopp's mother, Banchina (バンキーナ, Bankīna?), fell ill. Usopp started telling lies, stating that his father had returned and would be taking them with him. His mother eventually died, but Usopp, in his sadness, continued to lie.ch.41 Despite all this, he does not blame his father for leaving him, but takes pride in his heritage.ch.25 He is inspired by Luffy, Zoro and Nami and decides to go out to sea,ch.40 following his dream of becoming a "brave warrior of the sea".ch.100 His weakness as a fighter weighs heavily upon himch.331 and when after the crew is defeated and almost destroyed by Admiral Aokiji of the Marines,ch.320,321 Luffy decides to replace the badly damaged Going Merry,ch.331 the Straw Hats' first ship, which is given to them by Usopp's friend "Kaya",ch.41 a girl from his village that he used to cheer up with his lies,ch.24 Usopp goes so far as to temporarily leave the crew.ch.331,438 Usopp's current bounty is 30,000,000 Berries. He is voiced by Kappei Yamaguchi in the Japanese version of the franchise.ep.9 In the English dubs, he is voiced by Jason Anthony Griffith for 4Kidsep.9, and by Sonny Strait for Funimation.ep.9
Usopp ranked in the Top 10 of all three Shōnen Jump character popularity polls. In a 2007 Oricon poll, Usopp was voted the 10th most wanted character to receive a spin off amongst all respondents, and the 5th most popular amongst males. In a review of Funimation Entertainment's second DVD release for Mania Entertainment, Bryce Coulter notes that Usopp "brings lots of comic relief to the series", but also comments that he "can be down right annoying at times."
Usopp ranked in the Top 10 of all three Shōnen Jump character popularity polls. In a 2007 Oricon poll, Usopp was voted the 10th most wanted character to receive a spin off amongst all respondents, and the 5th most popular amongst males. In a review of Funimation Entertainment's second DVD release for Mania Entertainment, Bryce Coulter notes that Usopp "brings lots of comic relief to the series", but also comments that he "can be down right annoying at times."
Nami (ナミ?), nicknamed "Cat Burglar" Nami (泥棒猫のナミ, Dorobō Neko no Nami?, renamed Nami the "Navigator" in the 4Kids dub), is the crew's 18-year-oldch.27 navigator and thief. She has the ability to recognize and analyze even the slightest changes in the weather.ch.130 She is also an excellent pickpocket.ch.95 Her dream is to draw a complete map of the world.ch.77 Throughout the series, Nami fights using a three-sectioned bo staff. Usopp later provides her with a version of this weapon capable of controlling weather, called the Clima-Takt (天候棒, Kurima Takuto?, renamed "Climate Baton" in the English manga, and "Weather Forcer" in the 4Kids dub).ch.190 Even later, Usopp augments the Clima-Takt with dials, making it more powerful.ch.368 Nami's current bounty is 16,000,000 Berries. She is voiced by Akemi Okamura in the Japanese version of the franchise.ep.1 In the English dubs, she is voiced by Kerry Williams for 4Kids,ep.1, and by Luci Christian for Funimation.ep.1
Nami ranked in the Top 10 of all three Shōnen Jump character popularity polls. Her backstory has been found to be a "touching story" as it "unfolds with a lot of emotion" by Mania Entertainment writer, Jarred Pine. Pine also mentioned Nami was his favorite character from the series, and satisfied with how the manga showed her past. While reviewing the 8th DVD from Viz Media, Activeanime mentioned Nami is one of the best characters from the series as "She’s got guts, smarts, and can heft a mean punch when needed". Like Pined, Activeanime liked Nami's background and added that his "itty bitty heart went out to her". In the SPJA 2008, Nami was nominated in the category "Best Female Character".
When a reader asked Oda who Nami is in love with, Oda answered that there will not likely be any romance among the Straw Hat Pirates. Oda explained that he does not portray romance in One Piece as the series is a shōnen comic, and the young boys who read the comic are not interested in romance.
Nami ranked in the Top 10 of all three Shōnen Jump character popularity polls. Her backstory has been found to be a "touching story" as it "unfolds with a lot of emotion" by Mania Entertainment writer, Jarred Pine. Pine also mentioned Nami was his favorite character from the series, and satisfied with how the manga showed her past. While reviewing the 8th DVD from Viz Media, Activeanime mentioned Nami is one of the best characters from the series as "She’s got guts, smarts, and can heft a mean punch when needed". Like Pined, Activeanime liked Nami's background and added that his "itty bitty heart went out to her". In the SPJA 2008, Nami was nominated in the category "Best Female Character".
When a reader asked Oda who Nami is in love with, Oda answered that there will not likely be any romance among the Straw Hat Pirates. Oda explained that he does not portray romance in One Piece as the series is a shōnen comic, and the young boys who read the comic are not interested in romance.
Roronoa Zoro
Roronoa Zoro (ロロノア・ゾロ?, spelled as "Roronoa Zolo" in several versions), named after François l'Olonnais,ch.28 nicknamed "Pirate Hunter" Zoro (海賊狩りのゾロ, Kaizoku-Gari no Zoro?, spelled as "Pirate Hunter" Zolo in several versions)[citation needed], is a 19 year old, skilled swordsman who uses up to three swords at once, clutching the third in his mouth.ch.5 To fulfill a promise he made to childhood friend and rival, "Kuina",ch.5 he wants to become the world's greatest swordsman by defeating Dracule Mihawk.ch.50 Before joining Luffy, he made a living by bounty hunting.ch.2 He joins Luffy's crew in exchange for his aid in escaping execution.ch.5–6 He makes it clear that he would turn on his captain if he ever stepped between him and his dream ch.6, although during the "Thriller Bark arc" he says that he can't fulfill his dream if he did not help his captain fulfill his. His enormous physical strength is enough to lift a building, as well as inhumanly heavy weights on a regular basis.ch.194 During a fight with Baroque Works Officer Agent Mr. 1 (Daz Bonez), he learns how to cut through solid steel.ch.195 He can employ an "Asura" technique which gives him three faces and six arms, thus totaling nine swords.ch.417 In addition, Zoro can expand the muscle mass of his arms, and emulate some of his sword attacks using his bare hands.ch.416 He is extremely poor at understanding geographical directions and gets lost very easily. He also sleeps a great deal and loves to drink. Zoro's current bounty is 120,000,000 Berries. He is voiced by Kazuya Nakai as an adult and Megumi Urawa as a child in the Japanese version of the franchise.ep.2 In the English dubs, he is voiced by Marc Diraison as an adult and Andrew Rannells as a child for 4Kidsep.2, and by Christopher R. Sabat as an adult and Brina Palencia as a child for Funimation.ep.2
Zoro ranked second in all three Shōnen Jump character popularity polls. Furthermore, in a 2007 poll by Oricon, Zoro was voted as the 4th most desired character to receive a spinoff. DVD Talk praises Zoro's "hilarious" three-sword fighting style as a great example of the show's sense of humor. Holly Ellingwood from Activeanime praised Zoro's fight against Luffy as one of the best moments from the 10th DVD from the series released by Viz Media, praising the action scenes. Sabat's work with Zoro has resulted in him being a nominated of the category "Best Voice Actor (English)" in the Society for the Promotion of Japanese Animation (SPJA) Awards from 2008. Carl Kimlinger of Anime News Network commented on Sabat's work with Zoro as a "standout", noting that Zoro and Sabat are "well-matched. Kimlinger also found that he and Sanji's flashbacks from the anime "really do jerk tears, even if they are less than gracefully executed".
Zoro ranked second in all three Shōnen Jump character popularity polls. Furthermore, in a 2007 poll by Oricon, Zoro was voted as the 4th most desired character to receive a spinoff. DVD Talk praises Zoro's "hilarious" three-sword fighting style as a great example of the show's sense of humor. Holly Ellingwood from Activeanime praised Zoro's fight against Luffy as one of the best moments from the 10th DVD from the series released by Viz Media, praising the action scenes. Sabat's work with Zoro has resulted in him being a nominated of the category "Best Voice Actor (English)" in the Society for the Promotion of Japanese Animation (SPJA) Awards from 2008. Carl Kimlinger of Anime News Network commented on Sabat's work with Zoro as a "standout", noting that Zoro and Sabat are "well-matched. Kimlinger also found that he and Sanji's flashbacks from the anime "really do jerk tears, even if they are less than gracefully executed".
16 November 2010
Monkey D. Luffy
Monkey D. Luffy (モンキー・D・ルフィ, Monkī Dī Rufi?), nicknamed "Straw Hat" Luffy (麦わらのルフィ, Mugiwara no Rufi?), is the 17 year-old captain of The Straw Hat Pirates and the main protagonist of the franchise. At first, Luffy does not appear to be very intelligent; his apparent lack of intelligence is the source of his brave attitude towards life. Luffy can easily be amazed by the simplest things. If Luffy finds something he does not understand, even if someone explained in detail, he calls it a "mystery thing". He is, however, an expert when it comes to fighting. When Luffy's friends' lives are threatened, Luffy goes into an unimaginably dangerous rage. In the beginning of the series, he accidentally eats a paramecia Devil Fruit called the Gum-Gum Fruit (ゴムゴムの実, Gomu Gomu no Mi?), causing his body to gain the properties of highly stretchable rubber.ch.1 These properties are a result of Oda's desire for the fighting style to be silly, so that no matter how tense a situation gets, the reader can relax without becoming stressed out.
Luffy later learns "Gear Second" (ギア2 (セカンド), Gia Sekando?, renamed "Gear Two" in the English manga and "Second Gear" in the Funimation subs), a technique which increases his blood flow and speed instantly. However, "Gear Second" hacks away Luffy's life force dramatically, increasing a chance of having a much shorter life because he is starving his body, though Luffy rebutles, saying that it doesn't matter as long as he saves his friends. After Gear Second wears off, Luffy can recover quickly through replenishing of his nutrient storage.
Later on, Luffy learns how to go beyond "Gear Second" and into "Gear Third" (ギア3 (サード), Gia Sādo?, renamed "Gear Three" in the English manga and "Third Gear" in the Funimation subs). Luffy increases the size of his limbs by biting into his thumb and inflating it hard, transfer the air through his entire body, requiring the torso to act as an interface for his various limbs. Used with his already-strong physiology, this apparently gives his arm more mass and a larger area to attack with far greater strength, but he sacrifices mobility for this strength, as his limbs are now so large that Luffy has extreme trouble moving. To deactivate "Gear Third", Luffy leaves the form by exhaling heavily and causes him to shrink, which is a negative side-effect. The amount of time Luffy spends in his shrunken form is roughly equivalent to the amount of time spent in "Gear Third" mode.
After his life is saved by Shanks when he is seven years old, Luffy decides to achieve the tantamount goals of finding the One Piece and succeeding Gol D. Roger as King of the Pirates.ch.1 Ten years later, wearing Shanks' straw hat, he sets out to sea to gather a crew and sail the Grand Line, where the One Piece is supposedly hidden.ch.7 Luffy is also capable using King Ambition (覇王色の覇気, Haōshoku Haki?). Portgas D. Ace is Luffy's older brother through adoption. Luffy's current bounty is 400,000,000 Berries, as mentioned in several panels in chapter 601 of the series. He is voiced by Mayumi Tanaka in the Japanese version of the franchise.ep.1. In the English dubs, he is voiced by Bella Hudson for 4Kids Entertainmentep.1, and by Colleen Clinkenbeard for Funimation Entertainment.ep.1 Luffy ranked first in all three Shōnen Jump character popularity polls.
Luffy later learns "Gear Second" (ギア2 (セカンド), Gia Sekando?, renamed "Gear Two" in the English manga and "Second Gear" in the Funimation subs), a technique which increases his blood flow and speed instantly. However, "Gear Second" hacks away Luffy's life force dramatically, increasing a chance of having a much shorter life because he is starving his body, though Luffy rebutles, saying that it doesn't matter as long as he saves his friends. After Gear Second wears off, Luffy can recover quickly through replenishing of his nutrient storage.
Later on, Luffy learns how to go beyond "Gear Second" and into "Gear Third" (ギア3 (サード), Gia Sādo?, renamed "Gear Three" in the English manga and "Third Gear" in the Funimation subs). Luffy increases the size of his limbs by biting into his thumb and inflating it hard, transfer the air through his entire body, requiring the torso to act as an interface for his various limbs. Used with his already-strong physiology, this apparently gives his arm more mass and a larger area to attack with far greater strength, but he sacrifices mobility for this strength, as his limbs are now so large that Luffy has extreme trouble moving. To deactivate "Gear Third", Luffy leaves the form by exhaling heavily and causes him to shrink, which is a negative side-effect. The amount of time Luffy spends in his shrunken form is roughly equivalent to the amount of time spent in "Gear Third" mode.
After his life is saved by Shanks when he is seven years old, Luffy decides to achieve the tantamount goals of finding the One Piece and succeeding Gol D. Roger as King of the Pirates.ch.1 Ten years later, wearing Shanks' straw hat, he sets out to sea to gather a crew and sail the Grand Line, where the One Piece is supposedly hidden.ch.7 Luffy is also capable using King Ambition (覇王色の覇気, Haōshoku Haki?). Portgas D. Ace is Luffy's older brother through adoption. Luffy's current bounty is 400,000,000 Berries, as mentioned in several panels in chapter 601 of the series. He is voiced by Mayumi Tanaka in the Japanese version of the franchise.ep.1. In the English dubs, he is voiced by Bella Hudson for 4Kids Entertainmentep.1, and by Colleen Clinkenbeard for Funimation Entertainment.ep.1 Luffy ranked first in all three Shōnen Jump character popularity polls.
Besides being featured in pieces of merchandise based on the One Piece, he has appeared in crossover figurines which show him along with Dragon Ball characters. Luffy has been ranked as the most popular One Piece character in a recent Japanese fan poll. Luffy ranked first in all three Shōnen Jump character popularity polls. FUNimation's Mike McFarland and Christopher Sabat, both stated that they felt that Luffy was more likable than the Dragon Ball character Son Goku. Mayumi Tanaka, Luffy's Japanese voice actor, comically mentioned she feels sorry for making Luffy's voice due the fact she is a mother while Luffy is much younger. When asked about how she does Luffy's voice, Tanaka replies that she "strives for reality" during scenes that the character talks while eating or while touching his nose. In the Society for the Promotion of Japanese Animation Awards from 2008, Luffy was nominated for the category "Best Male Character". However, he lost to Ichigo Kurosaki from Bleach. He was also 22nd in IGN's Top 25 Anime Characters of All Time by writer Chris Mackenzie.
Luffy's character has also been received positively by publications from several media. T.H.E.M. Anime Reviews calls Luffy "likable goofy", and an idealist with an infectious optimism. In a review for the fourth One Piece movie, "Dead End Adventure", The Star Online describes Luffy as "an airhead and brilliant fighter." Rika Takahashi from EX comments that Luffy's character with his stretching powers is what sets One Piece apart from "the old stereotypical adventure manga" and the many other "combat-oriented mangas [sic]", turning the series into "something new and interesting". On the other hand, Anime News Network (ANN) writer Zac Bertschy found Luffy remminiscent to Rurouni Kenshin's character Himura Kenshin due their personalities and attitudes. However, he still noted Luffy to be entertaining. Mania Entertainment's Bryce Coulter noted Luffy's actions to save people to be like the one from "any great shonen hero." Colleen Clinkenbeard, Luffy's English voice actor in the Funimation dub, has been commented to be making a good job in the dub of the series, with Carl Kimlinger from ANN noting there are "enough moments of perfection."
Luffy's character has also been received positively by publications from several media. T.H.E.M. Anime Reviews calls Luffy "likable goofy", and an idealist with an infectious optimism. In a review for the fourth One Piece movie, "Dead End Adventure", The Star Online describes Luffy as "an airhead and brilliant fighter." Rika Takahashi from EX comments that Luffy's character with his stretching powers is what sets One Piece apart from "the old stereotypical adventure manga" and the many other "combat-oriented mangas [sic]", turning the series into "something new and interesting". On the other hand, Anime News Network (ANN) writer Zac Bertschy found Luffy remminiscent to Rurouni Kenshin's character Himura Kenshin due their personalities and attitudes. However, he still noted Luffy to be entertaining. Mania Entertainment's Bryce Coulter noted Luffy's actions to save people to be like the one from "any great shonen hero." Colleen Clinkenbeard, Luffy's English voice actor in the Funimation dub, has been commented to be making a good job in the dub of the series, with Carl Kimlinger from ANN noting there are "enough moments of perfection."
In popular culture
Luffy has made cameos and has been mentioned in other TV shows, such as Yakitate!! Japan. It parodies One Piece, Kuroyanagi turns into a "Tenobi Man" as a reaction from trying Azuma's Ja-pan dumpling. To this effect, he dons a straw hat and starts stretching his arms like rubber to great lengths ("tenobi" means "stretching arms"). Luffy's face can be seen on a Weekly Shonen Jump binding in an episode of To Love-Ru. Luffy's Devil Fruit was referenced in the Japanese TV Drama show Trick and in the 50th episode of the Gin Tama anime.
Luffy has also appeared in the popular web comic VG Cats. And in an online RPG called Dragonfable there was an enemy pirate monkey dressed up like Luffy, and was called L.D.MONKEE which is both backwards spelling of and a pun on, Monkey.D.LUFFY.
In 2008, Toei Animation sponsored the Pallavolo Modena Italian volleyball team. To represent their sponsorship, Pietro Rinaldi's and Edoardo Ciabattini's traditional black uniforms were emblazoned with a large image one Luffy on the front. He was featured in cover of the January 2010 issue from the Japanese fashion magazine Men's Non-No, becoming the first manga character to appear in the cover of such magazine. His new clothes were designed by Shinichi "Miter" Mita.
A small homage to Luffy was in the 2009 PSP game 'Half minute hero' Where the description of the usable item 'Straw hat' said it makes the user feel rubbery and want to become a pirate. In the manga Rookies, a girl is shown with a Luffy phone strap on her cell phone during a graduation ceremony.
There is also a reference to Luffy in the online MMORPG, Aika Online. In-game, there is an NPC wearing Luffy's style of clothes called "Monkey C. Lupis III" and even has a title above his head saying "Future King of Pirates".
Luffy has also appeared in the popular web comic VG Cats. And in an online RPG called Dragonfable there was an enemy pirate monkey dressed up like Luffy, and was called L.D.MONKEE which is both backwards spelling of and a pun on, Monkey.D.LUFFY.
In 2008, Toei Animation sponsored the Pallavolo Modena Italian volleyball team. To represent their sponsorship, Pietro Rinaldi's and Edoardo Ciabattini's traditional black uniforms were emblazoned with a large image one Luffy on the front. He was featured in cover of the January 2010 issue from the Japanese fashion magazine Men's Non-No, becoming the first manga character to appear in the cover of such magazine. His new clothes were designed by Shinichi "Miter" Mita.
A small homage to Luffy was in the 2009 PSP game 'Half minute hero' Where the description of the usable item 'Straw hat' said it makes the user feel rubbery and want to become a pirate. In the manga Rookies, a girl is shown with a Luffy phone strap on her cell phone during a graduation ceremony.
There is also a reference to Luffy in the online MMORPG, Aika Online. In-game, there is an NPC wearing Luffy's style of clothes called "Monkey C. Lupis III" and even has a title above his head saying "Future King of Pirates".
Appearances in other media
Luffy has made several appearances outside of the One Piece anime and manga. He is featured in all the One Piece movies, as well as the One Piece original video animation. He appears in every One Piece video game and is playable in most. He and several Straw Hat Pirates are also playable in the Nintendo DS game, Jump Super Stars and its sequel. Along with many Shonen Jump characters, Luffy appears in a Shonen Jump special, where Eneru attacks Tokyo and Odaiba. Luffy appeared in Cross Epoch, a collaboration of Oda and Dragon Ball creator Akira Toriyama, which crossovered both One Piece and Dragon Ball's universes. But even before One Piece had taken its final shape, Luffy had already appeared in Oda's two short stories, entitled Romance Dawn.
Voice Actors
In the original Japanese version of the anime, Luffy has been voiced by Mayumi Tanaka. In the OVA Defeat the Pirate Ganzack!, Luffy was voiced by Urara Takano. In the numerous English productions of the anime, the voice actor for Luffy have changed as a result of different companies producing the dub.
In 4Kids Entertainment's dub of the One Piece media franchise, Luffy was voiced by Bella Hudson. In Funimation Entertainment's dub of the One Piece franchise, Luffy has been consistently voiced by Colleen Clinkenbeard.
In 4Kids Entertainment's dub of the One Piece media franchise, Luffy was voiced by Bella Hudson. In Funimation Entertainment's dub of the One Piece franchise, Luffy has been consistently voiced by Colleen Clinkenbeard.
15 November 2010
Plot Overview
Luffy befriends Shanks, intending to become a crew member. However, due to Luffy inadvertently eating the Gum-Gum Fruit, he trains to improve himself. During his early adulthood, he leaves his hometown to search for the "One Piece" and to form a pirate crew of his own, called the "Straw Hat Pirates". In the beginning of the series, Luffy meets a swordsman named Roronoa Zoro, the navigator and thief Nami, the cowardly marksman and inventor Usopp, and the first-class chef Sanji. He also encounters and defeats pirates in the East Blue, such as Buggy the Clown, Captain Kuro, Commodore Don Krieg, and Arlong. These actions cause him to be placed on the Marines' most wanted list with a bounty of 30 million in the fictional currency named berries. After entering the Grand Line, Luffy accepts an offer to return the princess of Alabasta, Nefertari Vivi, safely into her homeland to stop a rebellion, incited by a member of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Sir Crocodile. Along the way, Luffy defeats the ruthless king Wapol while in Drum Island and finds a reindeer doctor named Tony Tony Chopper. In Alabasta, Luffy defeats Crocodile and the civil war ends, causing the World Government to raise Luffy's bounty to 100 million berries. Following Luffy's epic battle with Crocodile, he allows Crocodile's former second-in-command and archaeologist Nico Robin to join his crew.
Later on, the crew visits Skypiea. They get drawn into a war between two races, and Luffy defeats the god Eneru. He later meets Admiral Aokiji, an encounter that results in his defeat after he learns about Robin's heritage. The crew travels to Water 7 in an attempt to search for a shipwright. When Robin is captured by the intelligence agency Cipher Pol No. 9, the crew, along with a cyborg named Franky, follows Robin to Enies Lobby, and they are able to stop her execution. After the crew's battle against the CP9, Robin rejoins the crew, and each member receives their bounties; Luffy's bounty having been increased to 300 million berries. The crew returns to Water 7 and after the Going Merry breaks down, they get their second ship, the Thousand Sunny; there, they meet Luffy's grandfather, Vice-Admiral Monkey D. Garp. Shortly after, Franky joins the crew as the shipwright.
In the crew's attempt to enter the New World, they come across a ghost ship inhabited by a skeleton musician named Brook. When the crew discovers an island ship, Thriller Bark, they defeat the Warlord Gecko Moria, returning Brook's shadow in the process. After releasing the rest of the island's prisoners, Brook joins Luffy's crew. The crew goes to the Sabaody Archipelago in an attempt to coat their ship. However, an incident involving the auction of the mermaid Camie, results in the encounter against Admiral Kizaru, and the Warlord Bartholomew Kuma. Kuma defeats them by teleporting each of the crew members to different islands. Luffy lands on Amazon Lily, an island ruled by the Warlord Boa Hancock. Hancock eventually falls in love with Luffy and helps bring him to Impel Down, a prison, to save his brother Portgas D. Ace, who was imprisoned there after being defeated by Blackbeard. Luffy breaks into the prison and acquires foes-turned-allies, such as Crocodile and Buggy, as well as new allies, such as the Warlord Jimbei and Emporio Ivankov, releasing the prisoners in the process. The warden, Magellan, nearly kills Luffy, but he manages to escape from the prison to follow Ace to Marineford. After arriving in Marineford, Luffy is drawn into a war between the Marines and Whitebeard's pirate crews. Luffy manages to save Ace, but Ace's love for Luffy causes him to receive a fatal attack from Admiral Akainu. Luffy and Jimbei are hospitalized and evacuated from Marineford. When they return to Amazon Lily, Luffy realizes what has happened to Ace and looks back on how he and Ace first met. Silvers Rayleigh trains Luffy as his successor. Luffy returns to the Sabaody Archipelago from Rusukaina two years later and reunites with his crew, with his bounty being increased to 400 million berries.
Later on, the crew visits Skypiea. They get drawn into a war between two races, and Luffy defeats the god Eneru. He later meets Admiral Aokiji, an encounter that results in his defeat after he learns about Robin's heritage. The crew travels to Water 7 in an attempt to search for a shipwright. When Robin is captured by the intelligence agency Cipher Pol No. 9, the crew, along with a cyborg named Franky, follows Robin to Enies Lobby, and they are able to stop her execution. After the crew's battle against the CP9, Robin rejoins the crew, and each member receives their bounties; Luffy's bounty having been increased to 300 million berries. The crew returns to Water 7 and after the Going Merry breaks down, they get their second ship, the Thousand Sunny; there, they meet Luffy's grandfather, Vice-Admiral Monkey D. Garp. Shortly after, Franky joins the crew as the shipwright.
In the crew's attempt to enter the New World, they come across a ghost ship inhabited by a skeleton musician named Brook. When the crew discovers an island ship, Thriller Bark, they defeat the Warlord Gecko Moria, returning Brook's shadow in the process. After releasing the rest of the island's prisoners, Brook joins Luffy's crew. The crew goes to the Sabaody Archipelago in an attempt to coat their ship. However, an incident involving the auction of the mermaid Camie, results in the encounter against Admiral Kizaru, and the Warlord Bartholomew Kuma. Kuma defeats them by teleporting each of the crew members to different islands. Luffy lands on Amazon Lily, an island ruled by the Warlord Boa Hancock. Hancock eventually falls in love with Luffy and helps bring him to Impel Down, a prison, to save his brother Portgas D. Ace, who was imprisoned there after being defeated by Blackbeard. Luffy breaks into the prison and acquires foes-turned-allies, such as Crocodile and Buggy, as well as new allies, such as the Warlord Jimbei and Emporio Ivankov, releasing the prisoners in the process. The warden, Magellan, nearly kills Luffy, but he manages to escape from the prison to follow Ace to Marineford. After arriving in Marineford, Luffy is drawn into a war between the Marines and Whitebeard's pirate crews. Luffy manages to save Ace, but Ace's love for Luffy causes him to receive a fatal attack from Admiral Akainu. Luffy and Jimbei are hospitalized and evacuated from Marineford. When they return to Amazon Lily, Luffy realizes what has happened to Ace and looks back on how he and Ace first met. Silvers Rayleigh trains Luffy as his successor. Luffy returns to the Sabaody Archipelago from Rusukaina two years later and reunites with his crew, with his bounty being increased to 400 million berries.
Character outline ( Abilities )
Luffy's elasticity powers are a result from eating the Gum-Gum Fruit, which makes him virtually immune to all blunt force attacks except attacks filled with Haki. The fruit also gave him the ability to stretch at will. Combined with the elasticity of his body, he uses that ability to accelerate parts or the whole of his body as if shot by a slingshot to deliver punches, kicks, headbutts, body checks, or simply for propulsion. But like everyone who consumed a Devil Fruit, Luffy is unable to swim and when drenched in sea-water or in contact with an artifact blessed by the sea quickly loses his strength. He also has great physical strength as he was able to knock over 2 large apartment buildings at the same time (Water 7 arc).
Luffy develops two techniques to improve on his rubber abilities. The first of these is Gear Second. He uses his legs as a pump to increase his blood vessels, causing it to increase his attack power and overall speed instantly. However, the technique drains his stamina and if overused makes him temporarily unable to move afterward, as well as shortening his life span. The second is Gear Third, which is activated by biting a hole into his thumb and blowing air into his bones. He is then able to move the air around his bone structure and strike with limbs comparable in size to those of giants. The side effect to using Gear Third is that Luffy temporarily shrinks to a fraction of his normal size after releasing the air for a length that corresponds to the amount of time he was using Gear Third. He is capable of using both techniques simultaneously.
Further into the series, Luffy demonstrates the still innate ability to use Haki (覇気?, lit. "ambition") to make people or animals in his proximity faint. Additionally, this ability can negate a devil fruit users power and allow physical contact and damage. He has a very rare variation of Haki, "King Ambition". He first used it on Motobaro without realizing what he did.
Luffy develops two techniques to improve on his rubber abilities. The first of these is Gear Second. He uses his legs as a pump to increase his blood vessels, causing it to increase his attack power and overall speed instantly. However, the technique drains his stamina and if overused makes him temporarily unable to move afterward, as well as shortening his life span. The second is Gear Third, which is activated by biting a hole into his thumb and blowing air into his bones. He is then able to move the air around his bone structure and strike with limbs comparable in size to those of giants. The side effect to using Gear Third is that Luffy temporarily shrinks to a fraction of his normal size after releasing the air for a length that corresponds to the amount of time he was using Gear Third. He is capable of using both techniques simultaneously.
Further into the series, Luffy demonstrates the still innate ability to use Haki (覇気?, lit. "ambition") to make people or animals in his proximity faint. Additionally, this ability can negate a devil fruit users power and allow physical contact and damage. He has a very rare variation of Haki, "King Ambition". He first used it on Motobaro without realizing what he did.
Character outline ( Personality )
Luffy is portrayed as a carefree character with great ambitions and a huge appetite. He often thinks with his stomach and eats to the point of becoming comically fat. He is caring and generally good hearted. However, he is not naïve and understands most situations more than he shows. He was inspired to become a pirate by his friend "Red-Haired" Shanks who entrusted him with his strawhat, which he holds as one of his most precious objects. Knowing the dangers ahead, he is willing to risk his life to reach his goal, and protect his crew.
He invites several people, such as Chopper or Brook, onto his crew generally for their personality but also because of his instinctual ability to be able to read people. His main reason has been stated a few times in the story. He needs several key jobs filled in his crew (i.e.: cook, navigator, doctor, musician, shipwright, and so on). Only one member of the crew invited herself on, Nico Robin. She actually has no place on the ship, having no true abilities that Luffy requires. She is just a historian who Luffy accepted. Luffy stated in the beginning of the series that he wants about ten crew members, each with abilities that he feels necessary for his goal. He is rarely concerned with the consequences of his actions, doing what he feels even if it leads to retaliation by a powerful force. However, he is an extremely loyal captain, who has demonstrated at many points throughout the series that he is willing to risk his life for the well-being of his crew.
He invites several people, such as Chopper or Brook, onto his crew generally for their personality but also because of his instinctual ability to be able to read people. His main reason has been stated a few times in the story. He needs several key jobs filled in his crew (i.e.: cook, navigator, doctor, musician, shipwright, and so on). Only one member of the crew invited herself on, Nico Robin. She actually has no place on the ship, having no true abilities that Luffy requires. She is just a historian who Luffy accepted. Luffy stated in the beginning of the series that he wants about ten crew members, each with abilities that he feels necessary for his goal. He is rarely concerned with the consequences of his actions, doing what he feels even if it leads to retaliation by a powerful force. However, he is an extremely loyal captain, who has demonstrated at many points throughout the series that he is willing to risk his life for the well-being of his crew.
Creation and Conception
Oda partially based Luffy on Son Goku, the main protagonist of the Dragon Ball series created by Akira Toriyama. To make the readers relax without being stressed out, Oda added elasticity powers to Luffy for a comical effect. Oda tries to draw Luffy very straightforward about what he wants to be and how he feels.
The devil fruit Luffy gained his abilities from was originally called the Gomu no Mi (ゴムの実?, lit. fruit of rubber), but after the editor pointed out that a real rubber fruit existed, the name was changed to the Gomu Gomu no Mi (ゴムゴムの実?, lit. fruit of rubber rubber, renamed "Gum Gum Fruit" in the English adaptations).
The devil fruit Luffy gained his abilities from was originally called the Gomu no Mi (ゴムの実?, lit. fruit of rubber), but after the editor pointed out that a real rubber fruit existed, the name was changed to the Gomu Gomu no Mi (ゴムゴムの実?, lit. fruit of rubber rubber, renamed "Gum Gum Fruit" in the English adaptations).
Monkey D. Luffy
Monkey D. Luffy (モンキー・D・ルフィ, Monkī Dī Rufi?), often addressed as "Straw Hat Luffy" (麦わらのルフィ, Mugiwara no Rufi?), is a fictional character and the main protagonist of the One Piece franchise created by Eiichiro Oda. He first appears in the manga chapter Romance Dawn (Romance Dawn —冒険の夜明け—, Romance Dawn: Bōken no Yoake?) first published in Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine on August 4, 1997. He is introduced as a boy who possesses elasticity powers after eating a devil fruit. Luffy is captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, a group of pirates he assembles himself as he quests to find the "One Piece" and become the King of the Pirates. His primary motivation throughout the series is to reach the goal with all of his comrades, a task he pursues no matter what stands in his way. While he is goofy and reckless, he gets quite serious when anyone is in serious danger, notably his crew, whom he considers his friends.
Luffy has starred in most of the episodes, films, and specials of the anime series One Piece, as well as many of the spin-off video games. Outside of the One Piece franchise, Luffy has had an appearance in the crossover manga Cross Epoch. He has also been the subject of other parodies, and has appeared in various special events and in Japanese pop culture.
Luffy has starred in most of the episodes, films, and specials of the anime series One Piece, as well as many of the spin-off video games. Outside of the One Piece franchise, Luffy has had an appearance in the crossover manga Cross Epoch. He has also been the subject of other parodies, and has appeared in various special events and in Japanese pop culture.
14 November 2010
The Straw Hat Pirates
The protagonists of the One Piece series are part of the Straw Hat Pirates, a crew of pirates founded and captained by Monkey D. Luffy. Starting out with Luffy alone the crew's number grows throughout the series as Luffy keeps recruiting new members. The name of their first ship is "Going Merry" (ゴーイング・メリー号, Gōingu Merī-gō?, renamed "Merry Go" in the English manga and 4Kids dub), however due to severe damage, the Straw Hat Pirates got a new ship called "Thousand Sunny" (サウザンドサニー号, Sauzando Sanī-gō?). Though the Straw Hats are few in number, the level of skill each member possess in his or her role on the ship can easily surpass that of a veteran sailor. The prowess in combat each member possess can easily allow them to become the captain of an average to somewhat skilled group should they choose to do so. The crew went from a little known gang of children, elevating their status as they journey through some of the roughest waters.
Creation and Conception
When drawing One Piece, Eiichiro Oda was heavily influenced by the manga Dragon Ball and had the series in mind when designing his characters. Several characters have been stated to be based on actual people, such as Blackbeard (Marshall D. Teach) and Whitebeard (Edward Newgate) being based on the actual pirate Blackbeard (Edward Teach).ch.474 Some other notable examples includes Roronoa Zoro (François l'Olonnais), Sanji & Zeff (Red Legs Greaves), Jewelry Bonney (Anne Bonny), Scratchmen Apoo (Chui Apoo), Eustass Kidd (William Kidd and Eustace the Monk), X. Drake (Sir Francis Drake), Lafitte (Jean Lafitte), Bartholomew Kuma (Bartholomew Roberts), Captain Morgan (Henry Morgan), Alvida (Awilda), Basil Hawkins (Basil Ringrose and John Hawkins) and Bellamy (Samuel Bellamy).
List of One Piece Characters

The main character of the series is Monkey D. Luffy, a young pirate who wishes to succeed Gol D. Roger, the deceased King of the Pirates, by finding his treasure, the "One Piece". During the course of series, Luffy gathers himself a crew of misfits, named the Straw Hat Pirates, so far including the three swords wielding Roronoa Zoro, the master thief and expert navigator Nami, the cowardly marksman and inventor Usopp, the gourmet cook and martial-artist Sanji, the anthropomorphic reindeer and doctor Tony Tony Chopper, the archaeologist Nico Robin, the cyborg shipwright Franky, and the living skeleton musician Brook. Together they sail the seas in pursuit of their dreams, encountering other pirates, bounty hunters, criminal organizations, revolutionaries, secret agents and soldiers of the World Government, and various other friends and foes.
- # ^ "『ONE PIECE』最新60巻、歴代最高の初週実売200万部超え" (in Japanese). Oricon Style. Oricon. November 11, 2010. http://www.oricon.co.jp/news/ranking/81934/full/. Retrieved November 11, 2010.
- # ^ Oda, Eiichiro (September 2008). "ヤルキマン·マングローブ" (in Japanese). 11人の超新星. One Piece. 51. Shueisha. ISBN 978-4-08-874563-3.
- # ^ Oda, Eiichiro (February 2000). "リヴァースマウンテン" (in Japanese). 伝説は始まった. One Piece. 12. Shueisha. p. 36. ISBN 4-08-872822-X.
- # ^ Oda, Eiichiro (February 2000). "リヴァースマウンテン" (in Japanese). 伝説は始まった. One Piece. 12. Shueisha. pp. 38–43. ISBN 4-08-872822-X.
- # ^ Oda, Eiichiro (March 2007). "その海の名は" (in Japanese). 心中お察しする. One Piece. 45. Shueisha. pp. 52–53. ISBN 978-4-08-874314-1.
- # ^ Oda, Eiichiro (February 2000). "リヴァースマウンテン" (in Japanese). 伝説は始まった. One Piece. 12. Shueisha. pp. 44–45. ISBN 4-08-872822-X.
- # ^ Oda, Eiichiro (March 2007). "その海の名は" (in Japanese). 心中お察しする. One Piece. 45. Shueisha. pp. 55–56. ISBN 978-4-08-874314-1.
- # ^ Oda, Eiichiro (September 2000). "ね" (in Japanese). まっすぐ!!!. One Piece. 15. Shueisha. pp. 116–117. ISBN 4-08-873009-7.
- # ^ Oda, Eiichiro (February 2000). "記録指針" (in Japanese). 伝説は始まった. One Piece. 12. Shueisha. pp. 116–117. ISBN 4-08-872822-X.
- # ^ Oda, Eiichiro (February 2000). "記録指針" (in Japanese). 伝説は始まった. One Piece. 12. Shueisha. p. 118. ISBN 4-08-872822-X.
- # ^ Oda, Eiichiro (February 2000). "記録指針" (in Japanese). 伝説は始まった. One Piece. 12. Shueisha. p. 119. ISBN 4-08-872822-X.
- # ^ Oda, Eiichiro (February 2000). "歓迎の町" (in Japanese). 伝説は始まった. One Piece. 12. Shueisha. p. 146. ISBN 4-08-872822-X.
- # ^ Oda, Eiichiro (April 2000). "大丈夫!!!" (in Japanese). 大丈夫!!!. One Piece. 13. Shueisha. pp. 98–99. ISBN 4-08-872863-7.
- # ^ a b Oda, Eiichiro (December 1999). "二人目" (in Japanese). 東一番の悪. One Piece. 11. Shueisha. pp. 74–75. ISBN 4-08-872797-5.
- # ^ a b Oda, Eiichiro (June 2009) (in Japanese). もう誰にも止められない. One Piece. 54. Shueisha. ISBN 978-4-08-874662-3.
- # ^ Oda, Eiichiro (December 2002). "ダイアル·エネルギー" (in Japanese). 神の島の冒険. One Piece. 26. Shueisha. pp. 72–76. ISBN 4-08-873336-3.
- # ^ Oda, Eiichiro (June 1998). "悪魔の実" (in Japanese). 偽れぬもの. One Piece. 3. Shueisha. ISBN 4-08-872569-7.
- # ^ a b Oda, Eiichiro (October 2003) (in Japanese). 狂想曲. One Piece. 30. Shueisha. p. 86. ISBN 4-08-873502-1.
- # ^ Oda, Eiichiro (February 2001). "Rumble!!" (in Japanese). ヒルルクの桜. One Piece. 17. Shueisha. pp. 71–72. ISBN 4-08-873073-9.
- # ^ Oda, Eiichiro (August 2004) (in Japanese). 「水の都」ウォーターセブン. One Piece. 35. Shueisha. p. 146. ISBN 4-08-873638-9.
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Postingan (Atom)