Ten animated films based on the One Piece series have been released in Japan. The films are traditionally released during the Japanese school spring break since 2000. Although the first three films were less than an hour long and played as part of a double-bill with other anime movies. The films feature self-contained, completely original plots with animation of higher quality than what the weekly anime allows for. Funimation Entertainment has licensed the eighth film for release in North America.
Additionally, three of these movies have had special featurette shorts, showcasing the characters engaged in various activities unrelated to the series. They were shown dancing in Jango's Dance Carnival with Clockwork Island Adventure; playing soccer in Dream Soccer King! with Chopper's Kingdom on the Island of Strange Animals; and playing baseball in Take Aim! The Pirate Baseball King with Curse of the Sacred Sword.
The first, third, and ninth films were directed by Junji Shimizu. The fourth and seventh films were directed by Kōnosuke Uda. The fifth film was directed by Kazuhisa Takenouchi. The sixth film was directed by Mamoru Hosoda. The eighth film was directed by Takahiro Imamura. The tenth film was directed by Munehisa Sakai.